Physiology, Advanced Concepts (311200150Y)
Universiteit Leiden (UL)
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Samenvatting Physiology, Advanced Concepts
- Samenvatting • 60 pagina's • 2023
- €10,48
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting Physiology, Advanced Concepts. Alle hoorcolleges samengevat plus relevante afbeeldingen. 
Onderwerpen: endothelial (dys)function, (ab)normal hemostasis, sepsis, vascular responses to Toll-like receptor activation, inflammatory, ischemic kidney disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure: hemodynamic, electrophysiological effects
Summary Lectures PAC
- Samenvatting • 12 pagina's • 2023
- €5,49
- + meer info
Summary of all lectures and workgroups PAC
Summary learning objectives Physiology Advanced Concepts
- Samenvatting • 48 pagina's • 2023
- €5,48
- + meer info
Summary of all lectures, concepts discussed in workgroups, and reading material applied to the learning objectives described in the course syllabus. Supportive images are included.
Samenvatting PAC
- Samenvatting • 38 pagina's • 2022
- €7,39
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van het vak physiology advanced concepts (Sepsis & Heart Failure) gebaseerd op alle colleges inclusief leerdoelen.
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