The Political Economy of the European Union (5770M062)

Universiteit Leiden (UL)

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Summary Political Economy of the EU Week 1-6
  • Summary Political Economy of the EU Week 1-6

  • Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2024
  • Summary of the articles of The Political Union of the EU, course part of the minor European Union Studies. This does not include notes of the lectures, just the given readings for weeks 1-6, including summaries of the TFEU articles. Note: the reading of Drach is not in this summary. Moreover, this summary is what I deemed as important. If you are unsure of the contents, you should read the article itself.
  • nickweerdenburg
  • €6,59
  • + meer info
Lectures 'The Political Economy of the EU' - extensive summary!
  • Lectures 'The Political Economy of the EU' - extensive summary!

  • College aantekeningen • 83 pagina's • 2023
  • Lectures 'Institutions of the European Union' Mandatory course of the minor European Union Studies, Leiden University Semester 2 5 EC Catalog number: 5770M063 Lectures by Dr. Vera Scepanovic
  • joellethewessen
  • €7,49
  • 4x verkocht
  • + meer info