Victims and offenders of violence

Universiteit Leiden (UL)

Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor Victims and offenders of violence. Er zijn o.a. samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar.

Alle 3 resultaten

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Victims and Offenders of Violence Lecture notes and (short) reading summaries
  • Victims and Offenders of Violence Lecture notes and (short) reading summaries

  • Samenvatting • 52 pagina's • 2023
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • Lecture 1: Definition and types of violence, Lecture 2: Violence victimization: its meaning and prevalence, Lecture 3: Victim recognition in the Criminal Justice System, Lecture 4: Data visualization, Lecture 5: Research violence, Lecture 6: Exploring sexual violence victimhood in men, Lecture 7: Gun violence, Lecture 8: Suicide, Lecture 9: Domestic Violence during COVID-10, Lecture 10: Biopsychosocial perspectives on violent offending, Lecture 11: Violence offending: Who offends and in what con...
  • yvankaverberne
  • €7,99
  • 4x verkocht
  • + meer info
Victims and Offenders of Violence Lecture notes
  • Victims and Offenders of Violence Lecture notes

  • College aantekeningen • 43 pagina's • 2023
  • Lecture 1: Definition and types of violence, Lecture 2: Violence victimization: its meaning and prevalence, Lecture 3: Victim recognition in the Criminal Justice System, Lecture 4: Data visualization, Lecture 5: Research violence, Lecture 6: Exploring sexual violence victimhood in men, Lecture 7: Gun violence, Lecture 8: Suicide, Lecture 9: Domestic Violence during COVID-10, Lecture 10: Biopsychosocial perspectives on violent offending, Lecture 11: Violence offending: Who offends and in what con...
  • yvankaverberne
  • €6,49
  • 5x verkocht
  • + meer info