Management of Public Organizations
Universiteit Twente (UT)
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Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, Fifth Edition - Rainey, Hal G (1)
- Samenvatting • 34 pagina's • 2020
- €5,98
- 28x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of the book Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, Fifth Edition by Rainey, Hal G. Summary is completely written in English.

Book is used in courses related to the management of public organizations.

Chapter 12 can be seen as a bit short but I felt like most information in there was common knowledge/uninteresting.

Summary Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, Rainey, ISBN 978-1-118-58371-5
- Samenvatting • 86 pagina's • 2020
- €6,99
- 6x verkocht
- + meer info
Deze samenvatting van het boek Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, geschreven door Rainey, 5e editie, bevat de eerste tien hoofdstukken van het boek. Het gaat dus om de volgende hoofdstukken:
1. The challenge of effective public organization and management
2. Understanding the study of organizations: a historical review
3. What makes public organizations distinctive?
4. Analysing the environment of public organizations
5. The impact of political power and public policy
6. Organizati...

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