English literature 450 1649
Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
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Een samenvatting van het hoofdstuk The Sixteenth Century uit The Norton Anthology of English Literature
Part I (50%): This section consists of 10 factual questions which test your knowledge of medieval historical, cultural and literary context.

Essay (Failure of) Comitatus in Beowulf and the Bible
- Essay • 4 pagina's • 2017
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Comitatus, as well as its failure, in Beowulf and a similar principle of loyalty in the stories of Jonah, Abraham and Daniel in the Bible form good comparison. This is because the poem and the religious stories show some interesting corresponding elements. Comitatus refers to “the epic or heroic tradition of the Germanic peoples” (Markland 341) and can, then, not be found in the Bible. An equivalent principle, like loyalty, is very widespread in the Bible, though. To support this statement, ...

Essay Final Fates in The Tempest and Doctor Faustus
- Essay • 4 pagina's • 2017
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The protagonists in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and in Shakespeare’s The Tempest are both engaged with magic. Although both Prospero and Faustus have this interest in magical powers, their final fates differ greatly. To show that Prospero and Faustus differ in terms of ultimate fate, their destinies have to be compared. Passages from both The Tempest and Doctor Faustus are used to show what the protagonists’ final fates are. On top of that, some verses of the Bible are used to show that both ...

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