Text Course 1
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
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Text Course 1 2021-2022 [covers 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero]
- Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,99
- + meer info
This is a summary of the three parts of 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero and some secondary readings. It details the first book by passage and from the second book onward the text is summarized more broadly. The summary covers various arguments between ancient philosophical traditions but does not go into full detail about their full beliefs which is why I'd recommend you use this summary together with the explanatory pages on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Text Course 1 2021-2022 [covers 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero]
Laatste update van het document:
This is a summary of the three parts of 'De Natura Deorum' by Cicero and some secondary readings. It details the first book by passage and from the second book onward the text is summarized more broadly. The summary covers various arguments between ancient philosophical traditions but does not go into full detail about their full beliefs which is why I'd recommend you use this summary together with the explanatory pages on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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Hoeveel heb je al uitgegeven op Stuvia? Stel je eens voor dat alle andere studenten JOU betalen voor je samenvatting. Ka-ching! Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia