AQA • Government and Politics
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Government and Politics op de AQA. Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Government and Politics? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Government and Politics op de AQA.
Vakken Government and Politics op de AQA
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Government and Politics op AQA
Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
Unit 2 GOVP2 - Governing Modern Britain
Unit 3A GOV3A - The Politics of the USA
Unit 4A GOV4A - The Government of the USA
Populaire samengevatte boeken AQA • Government and Politics
Philip Lynch, Paul Fairclough • ISBN 9781471889257
Anthony J. Bennett • ISBN 9781444183542
Simon LeMieux, Rowena Hammal • ISBN 9781398311107
Philip Lynch, Mark Garnett • ISBN 9781844894161
Nieuwste samenvattingen AQA • Government and Politics
Three examples of the president's powers
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 1 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
essays• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 1 pagina's
Three examples of the president's powers
Answering how candidate selection can be influenced.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 1 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
essays• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 1 pagina's
Answering how candidate selection can be influenced.
- Samenvatting
- • 15 pagina's's •
Voorbeeld 2 van de 15 pagina's
An analysation of the revolution Roe v Wade
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's's •
AQA•roe vs wade
American interests• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 2 pagina's
An analysation of the revolution Roe v Wade
Notes that cover the People, voting and parties module in Politics. Includes case studies and example essays. Great for revision.
- College aantekeningen
- • 1 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
Voorbeeld 1 van de 1 pagina's
Notes that cover the People, voting and parties module in Politics. Includes case studies and example essays. Great for revision.
Notes that cover the 'People, voting and Parties' module in A-Level politics. Includes case studies and example essays
- College aantekeningen
- • 1 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
Voorbeeld 1 van de 1 pagina's
Notes that cover the 'People, voting and Parties' module in A-Level politics. Includes case studies and example essays
Markets and market failure comprehensive guide. A* achieved at A level using these essay plans, cover everything that is needed, and have all been marked by a teacher. Fact files, essay plans as well as essays.
- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 2 GOVP2 - Governing Modern Britain
Voorbeeld 1 van de 2 pagina's
Markets and market failure comprehensive guide. A* achieved at A level using these essay plans, cover everything that is needed, and have all been marked by a teacher. Fact files, essay plans as well as essays.
answering the attached question
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 1 pagina's's •
AQA•Unit 1 GOVP1 - People, Politics and Participation
essays• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 1 pagina's
answering the attached question
Answering the attached question
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's's •
essays• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 2 pagina's
Answering the attached question
Answering the attached question
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 3 pagina's's •
essays• Door jodiekelly
Voorbeeld 1 van de 3 pagina's
Answering the attached question