Betz - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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![Samenvatting van Perceptie tot Bewustzijn](/docpics/6329950db6506_1972766.jpg)
Samenvatting van Perceptie tot Bewustzijn
- Samenvatting • 12 pagina's • 2022
- €2,99
- 2x verkocht
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Dit is een samenvatting van hoofdstukken 16 t/m 20 van het boek Neuroscience 6e editie geschreven door Purves et al. Deze stof behoort bij het vak van Perceptie tot bewustzijn in jaar 2 van Psychobiologie.
![Summary Science of Energy Technologies](/docpics/635a31db28534_2059641.jpg)
Summary Science of Energy Technologies
- Samenvatting • 39 pagina's • 2022
- €5,39
- + meer info
This is a summary of the course Science of Energy Technologies given in year 1 of Global SUstainability Science at University Utrecht. It is a full summary about: Mechanical ENergy, ELectricity and photovoltaics. Covering the subjects: Forces, friction, motion, hydropower, wind power, turbines, electric forces, capacitors, batteries, DC and AC, irradiance, semiconductors, pn junctions, solar cells.
![Organisations and Society (MAN-MOD004) summary of all mandatory articles](/docpics/5da70eb398ffc_595908.jpg)
Organisations and Society (MAN-MOD004) summary of all mandatory articles
- Samenvatting • 30 pagina's • 2019
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,99
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
A complete summary of all mandatory articles for the course organisations and society (MAN-MOD004) for the master Organisational Design and Development in 2019/2020. 

Freeman, E., Martin, K., and Parmar, B. (2007) Stakeholder Capitalism; Journal of Business Ethics; 74, pp. 305-314
Friedman, Milton (1970) The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits; The New York Times Magazine; September 13, 1970 
Johnson, D.G. (2002) Globalization: what it is and who benefits; ...
![Summery articles Organization and Society (O&S)](/docpics/5bc5e5fad43bf_464618.jpg)
Summery articles Organization and Society (O&S)
- Samenvatting • 78 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
- 7x verkocht
- + meer info
Summery articles Organization and Society (O&S); contains the following articles:
Freeman etc: (2007) Stakeholder Capitalism
Friedman, Milton (1970) The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits 
Johnson, D.G. (2002) Globalization: what it is and who benefits 
Lee, M.D.P. (2008) A review of the theories of corporate social responsibility: Its evolutionary path and the road ahead 
Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2008) Making Globalisation Work – The 2006 Geary Lecture
Achterbergh, Jan &...
![Samenvatting Organisation & Society artikelen (cijfer 9,0)](/docpics/5b8da3a308edb_451908.jpg)
![Samenvatting Organisation & Society artikelen (cijfer 9,0)](/docpics/books/1001004010899693.jpg)
Samenvatting Organisation & Society artikelen (cijfer 9,0)
- Samenvatting • 75 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
- 13x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van alle artikelen voor het vak Organisations & Society leerjaar 2017/2018 

Stakeholder Capitalism - Freeman, Martin en Parmar
Social responsibility of Business is to increase its profits – Friedman
Globalization: what it is and who benefits – Gale Johnson
A review of the theories of corporate social responsibility: its evolutionary path and the road ahead – Lee
Making globalization work – the 2006 Geary lecture – Stiglitz
Organizational structures supporting rich surviva...
![Business insiders and environmental outsiders? - C. Betzold](/docpics/56eff1065489e.jpg)
Business insiders and environmental outsiders? - C. Betzold
- Samenvatting • 6 pagina's • 2016
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- + meer info
Samenvatting van het artikel "Business insides and environmental outsiders? Advocacy strategies in international climate change negotiations" waarin dezelfde opbouw als het oorspronkelijke artikel is gehanteerd.
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