Cambridge advanced exam - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Cambridge advanced exam? Op deze pagina vind je 13 samenvattingen over Cambridge advanced exam.
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CPE Writing Guide
- Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2025
- €5,76
- + meer info
The CPE Writing Guide - Sentence Bank is a helpful collection of example sentences designed to support you in the writing section of the Cambridge Proficiency Exam (CPE). These sentences cover different types of writing tasks, like essays, letters, and reviews. They provide useful phrases and sentence starters that can help you organize your ideas and express them clearly. By using these ready-made sentences, you can improve your writing flow, structure, and overall performance in the exam. 

Cambridge Advanced Exam (CAE) - Full Exam Preparation
- Overig • 14 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,99
- + meer info
This is a document I made whilst preparing for the Cambridge Advanced Exam. I have passed my CAE, without a doubt because of this document. The document contains an explanation of the 4 different parts in the CPE: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Each part is reviewed thoroughly. In order, the document contains: | General Information | Explanation of the different parts | Reading and use of English: general tips and explanation of each part and how to tackle them best...
Writing: General information, tips, guides on how to write the Essay, Formal Letter, Informal Letter, Review, Proposal and Report.
Reading and use of English: general tips and explanation of each part and how to tackle them best.
Exam preparations.
Exam preparations.
Speaking: general information, tips, useful words, questions you might get.
Listening: general information, tips

- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2022
- €4,49
- + meer info
Dit document bevat alles uit het Cambridge English Complete Advanced C1 student's book wat van belang is voor het examen. Ook heb ik extra handige informatie toegevoegd zoals irregular verbs en dergelijke. Als je dit document goed bestudeert en leert moet je het examen wel halen!

Cambridge (CAE) Writing assignments
- Overig • 4 pagina's • 2021
- €3,89
- + meer info
This document contains seven writing assignments from the Cambridge Advanced study book (Writing unit 7-13). All the writing assignments are written by me and I passed the exam :). You can also use them as examples to practice/ improve your writing skills or if you have a CAE exam. The document includes different types of writing assignments; A formal letter/ an informal letter/ an article/ two propositions, proposals/ a report and a review.

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