Customer segments - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Customer segments? Op deze pagina vind je 9 samenvattingen over Customer segments.
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Marketing Management Kotler 15th Ed (Ch 1 - 8) With 288 Terms And Correct Answers -2024
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 18 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,96
- + meer info
Creating value for customers and building strong customer relationships - Correct Answer Marketing 
Sum of the tangible and intangible benefits and costs to them. Marketers can increase value of a customer offering by reducing price or increasing quality. - Correct Answer Value 
Apple, Nike, Geico, Budweiser, FedEx, Southwest - Correct Answer Great Marketing Companies 
Product, Price, Place, Promotion - Correct Answer Marketing Mix 
Consumers dislike the product and may even pay to a...

Samenvatting Entrepreneurship and Innovation (22064602) Alle Colleges
- Samenvatting • 50 pagina's • 2022
- €6,99
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Entrepreneurship and Innovation () - Samenvatting alle Colleges. Gegeven aan de Universiteit Leiden in het studiejaar 2022/2023

Field Tech II - III Conventional – NCTI Questions and Answers 2023
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 13 pagina's • 2023
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €17,56
- + meer info
Field Tech II - III Conventional – NCTI Questions and Answers 2023 
What is one reason why broadband cable operators install fiber-optic cable in stages instead of changing the infrastructure all at once? 
Changing the infrastructure all at once would cause too many service disruptions. 
What is the difference between the fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) and fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) topologies? 
An FTTC is allowed a smaller number of RF amplifiers between the optical fiber and the customer premi...

Samenvatting SMM MAR30J1 (waardecreatie binnen de sport, ISBN: 9789054724070)
- Samenvatting • 24 pagina's • 2022
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,49
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Document is overzichtelijk opgedeeld in de verschillende hoofdstukken en kennisclips. 
Zelf een 8,8 gehaald met deze samenvatting.

Samenvatting - Introduction to international business
- Samenvatting • 37 pagina's • 2024
- €11,46
- + meer info
TWM 15: Develop a well-founded marketing plan to support the creation of value for international customers 
1. Market Research: Analyze international markets, customer segments, trends, and competition. Use tools like PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental) and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analyses. 
2. Customer Needs Assessment: Identify the unique needs and pain points of your international customers. 
3. Value Proposition: Create a val...

Management Report - Lemon Tree Hotels
- Case uitwerking • 30 pagina's • 2021
- €15,49
- + meer info
Key Outcomes Internal Analysis	5 
Vision	5 
Mission	5 
Long term goals	5 
Objectives	5 
Strategies	6 
Business Model	6 
Summarised Financial Analysis	6 
Strategic Capabilities	7 
Key Outcomes External Analysis	8 
PESTEL Analysis	8 
Political	8 
Economical	8 
Social	8 
Technological	9 
Environmental	9 
Legal	9 
Five Forces Analysis	10 
Analysis of the Markets & Competitor(s): Market Segments & Strategic Group	11 
Strategic Group	11 
Market Segment	11 
Evaluation of Opportunities and Threats Exter...

New Business Creation
- Samenvatting • 10 pagina's • 2021
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Duidelijke uitleg bij alles wat je nodig hebt voor NBC. Ik heb ook een paar linkjes van YouTube filmpjes erbij gezet voor eventuele extra toelichting.

Extensive summary of readings for Retail & Omnichannel Marketing
- Samenvatting • 46 pagina's • 2022
- €3,99
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Stein, A. & B. Ramaseshan, 2016, "Towards the Identification of Customer Experience Touch Point Elements 
Inman, J.J. & H. Nokolova, 2017, "Shopper-Facing Technology: A Retailer Adoption Decision Framework Incorporating Shopper Attitudes and Privacy Concerns 
P.C. Verhoef, P.K. Kannan & J.J. Inman, 2015, "From Multi-Channel Retailing to Omni-Channel Retailing. Introduction to the Special Issue on Multi-Channel Retailing 
W. Reinartz, N.Wiegand and M. Imschloss, The impact of digital transf...

Marketing summary - Marketing concepts and strategies - Dibb, Simkin, Pride, Ferell (grade 9.0)
- Samenvatting • 86 pagina's • 2020
- €6,49
- 14x verkocht
- + meer info
Everything you need to know is included. 
The central idea behind marketing is that a firm (or other entity)will create something (e.g., a product or service) of value to one or more customers who, in turn, are willing to pay enough (or contribute other forms of value) to make the venture worthwhile. The value of the product or service offered by the firm must be examined from the customer’s point of view. Some customer segments value certain product attributes more than others. A ve...

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