Entrepreneurial school - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Entrepreneurial school? Op deze pagina vind je 8 samenvattingen over Entrepreneurial school.
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exam questions which are discussed in the lectures and in the book. All 10 school are involved.

Articles Adaptive Organization Summary
- Samenvatting • 23 pagina's • 2023
- €8,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Articles Adaptive Organization Summary 
UvA Amsterdam Business School 
December 2023 
A thorough, compact and easy-to-read summary describing all you need to know and nothing you don't need to know! 
Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization, 
Abatecola, G. (2014). Research in organizational evolution: What comes next?, 
Feldman, M. S., & Pentland, B. T. (2003). Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change, 
Burgelman, R. A. (1991). Intraorganizationa...

Samenvatting Strategy Safari - Organisation and Environment (MAN-MOR003)
- Samenvatting • 30 pagina's • 2024
- €7,09
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
Alle belangrijke punten uit het boek zijn verwerkt 
Volledig (H1 t/m H12) 
Alle PowerPoint slides zijn meegenomen 
Inclusief artikel Baum & Dahlin & artikel Davis & DeWitt 
Every important point of the book is covered 
Book is summarized completely (CH1 until and including CH12) 
All PowerPoint slides are included 
Including article Baum & Dahlin & article Davis & DeWitt

Samenvatting Organisation and Environment 2022-2023
- Samenvatting • 54 pagina's • 2023
- €6,50
- + meer info
Dit is een samenvatting van de colleges van Organisation and Environment (inclusief de dialogue lecture en de Q&A) en de bijbehorende hoofdstukken van het boek Strategy Safari - Mintzberg.
A summary including all the lecture notes from the course Organisation and Environment at Radboud University 2023

O&E summary of the schools of thoughts
- Samenvatting • 8 pagina's • 2023
- €5,83
- + meer info
This O&E summary includes an overall overview of the ten schools of thought and a comprehensive overview of each school of thought with the most important concepts, characteristics and criticism.

Table (extensive & short one) with all relevant information about the 10 schools. Distinguished by colours
- Samenvatting • 16 pagina's • 2022
- €4,98
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
This document contains an extensive table with all relevant information about the 1o schools. The table contains the following information per school: Deliberative/ Emergent strategy, Key words, Tools, Applies best to what firm, Strategy formation, Central person, Process, Critique and Contributions. 
Also a short table with the basic elements per school is stated in the document. 
The table has a different colour for all the different schools, in order to easily distinguish the schools from...

Volledige samenvatting Organisation & Environment 2022
- Samenvatting • 100 pagina's • 2022
- €8,99
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van het vak organisation & environment aan de radboud universiteit. Gemaakt aan de hand van de hoorcolleges, het boek, kennisclips en de vier verplichte artikelen voor 2021/2022: 
1) Baum & Dahlin, aspiration performance and railroads' patterns of learning from train wrecks and crashes. 
2) Van den Oever & Martin, fishing in troubled waters? Strategic decision-making and value creation and appropriation from partnerships between public organizations. 
3) Bertels, Howard-Grenville...

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