Harzing - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
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Summary Articles & Lectures International Human Resource Management
- Samenvatting • 55 pagina's • 2020
- €9,99
- 17x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all lectures and articles of the elective International HRM, Master Human Resource Studies, Tilburg University 
Theme 1. Introduction & positioning IHRM 
- Lecture notes 
- Festing, M., & Eidems, J. (2011). A process perspective on transnational HRM systems — A dynamic capability-based analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 21(3), 162-173. doi:10.1016/.2011.02.002 
- Rupidara, N., & McGraw, P. (2011). The role of actors in configuring HR systems within multinational subsidia...

Summary articles Strategy and Nonmarket Environment
- Samenvatting • 44 pagina's • 2019
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
- 26x verkocht
- + meer info
Contains all summaries of the course strategy and nonmarket environment of the Master Strategic Management. Contains:
Dunning, J.H. (1980). ‘Toward an eclectic theory of international production: Some empirical tests’
Johanson, J. and Vahlne, J.-E. (1977). ‘The internationalization process of the firm—A model of knowledge management development and increasing foreign market commitments’, 
Oviatt, B.M. and McDougall, P.P. (1994). ‘Towards a Theory of International New Ventures’

Summary all articles of Strategy and Non-market Environment
- Samenvatting • 39 pagina's • 2018
- €5,49
- 24x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all the mandatory articles of Strategy and non-market environment 2018-2019

1. Dunning, J.H. (1980). ‘Toward an eclectic theory of international production: Some empirical tests’, Journal of International Business Studies, 11: 9-31. 

2. Johanson, J. and Vahlne, J.-E. (1977). ‘The internationalization process of the firm—A model of knowledge management development and increasing foreign market commitments’, Journal of International Business Studies, 8: 23-32. 

3. Oviatt, B...

Samenvatting alle artikelen Strategie en Besluitvorming / Strategy
- Samenvatting • 20 pagina's • 2017
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,49
- 5x verkocht
- + meer info
Complete samenvatting van alle artikelen voor het van Strategie en Besluitvorming / Strategy. Bevat de artikelen: Nag et al; Beer & Eisenstat; Bingham & Eisenhardt; Prahalad & Hamel; Uzzi; Zhang & Rajagopalan; Arthur; Dunning; Harzing (Engels)

AIM Articles summary
- Samenvatting • 52 pagina's • 2016
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- + meer info
-Schmidt, N. (2013). Audi Ponders Dilemmas of International Growth; Building Close to Markets Conflicts With ‘Made in Germany’ Brand Image. 
-Guler, I. & M. Guillén (2010). Home Country Networks and Foreign Expansion: Evidence from the Venture Capital Industry. 
-Johanson, J. & J. Vahlne (1977). The Internationalization Process of the Firm – A Model of Knowledge Development and Increasing Foreigh Market Commitments,
-Rugman, A. & A. Verbeke (2004). A perspective on regional and global str...

Samenvatting artikelen IBT
- Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2016
- €3,48
- 39x verkocht
- + meer info
Samenvatting van alle artikelen van het vak International Business Theories. Dit zijn alle artikelen die geleerd moeten worden voor het tentamen. 

Ghemawat, Pankaj (2011). The Cosmopolitan Corporation. Harvard Business Review, 89:5, 92-99.

Johanson, Jan, & Vahlne, Jan-Erik (2009). The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited: From liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership. Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1411-1431.

Kolk, Ans (2015). The social...

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