Noradrenalin - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen

Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Noradrenalin? Op deze pagina vind je 2 samenvattingen over Noradrenalin.

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Physiology and Pharmacology summary Physiology and Pharmacology summary
  • Physiology and Pharmacology summary

  • Samenvatting • 80 pagina's • 2021
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • This is a very extensive summary that belongs to the course physiology and pharmacology. The summary is written in English.
  • manonves
  • €6,99
  • + meer info
Neuromodulation of Cognition
  • Neuromodulation of Cognition

  • Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2019
  • Ook in voordeelbundel
  • A comprehensive overview of the six topics part of the exam for the course Neuromodulation of Cognition (RM Psychology Leiden Cognitive Neuroscience track). Every topic contains explanation of the literature, a short summary of the most important conclusions, and a practice exam question. (The question for Topic 1 stems from Blackboard, the other questions I made up myself). At the end there is also a small general overview of the neurotransmitters and the concept of neural gain. Topic 1 = Dopam...
  • MaaikePsy
  • €6,99
  • + meer info