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Orthotics CPM Exam Sample Questions with complete solutions| Latest 2025/2026
How do you determine the mechanical ankle joint level? Distal tip of the medial malleolus or the apex of the lateral malleolus 
If you want to create a knee flexion moment, what shoe or ankle joint features are needed? More heel: heel wedge, harder sole; more ankle dorsiflexion- PF resist or stop, df assist 
Characteristics of clubfoot? Ankle equinus, hindfoot varus, forefoot adduction 
Why do trimlines need to be symmetrical on the ankle of the AFO? to prevent torqueing the line o...
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- • 6 pagina's •
How do you determine the mechanical ankle joint level? Distal tip of the medial malleolus or the apex of the lateral malleolus 
If you want to create a knee flexion moment, what shoe or ankle joint features are needed? More heel: heel wedge, harder sole; more ankle dorsiflexion- PF resist or stop, df assist 
Characteristics of clubfoot? Ankle equinus, hindfoot varus, forefoot adduction 
Why do trimlines need to be symmetrical on the ankle of the AFO? to prevent torqueing the line o...
O&P Board Prep: Mock Orthotics Written Exam Questions with Verified Answers | 100% Correct | Latest 2025/2026
A patient is diagnosed with an anterior cerebral artery stroke. You may need to assist with bracing. Based on the diagnosis you can expect that the patient will present with: 
A) Contralateral hemiparesis, leg more affected than the arm 
B) Contralateral hemiparesis, arm more affected than the leg 
C) Ipsilateral ataxia, decreased pain and temperature to the face. 
D) Quadriplegia, bulbar paralysis, preserved consciousness A) Contralateral hemiparesis, leg more affected than the arm 
Why is ...
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- • 54 pagina's •
A patient is diagnosed with an anterior cerebral artery stroke. You may need to assist with bracing. Based on the diagnosis you can expect that the patient will present with: 
A) Contralateral hemiparesis, leg more affected than the arm 
B) Contralateral hemiparesis, arm more affected than the leg 
C) Ipsilateral ataxia, decreased pain and temperature to the face. 
D) Quadriplegia, bulbar paralysis, preserved consciousness A) Contralateral hemiparesis, leg more affected than the arm 
Why is ...
Orthotic CPM Written Exam |80 Questions with Verified Answers | 100% Correct | Latest 2025/2026
Which pathology is most likely to be fit with free knee joints? Genu varum deformity 
Which type of scoliosis is most likely the result of a leg length discrepancy? Non-structural Scoliosis 
Which would you most expect to see in a patient with a plantarflexion contracture? Genu recurvatum at midstance 
True dorsiflexion and plantarflexion occur in what plane? Sagittal 
What orthosis would best restore upper extremity function for a patient with a spinal cord injury above the C6 n...
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- • 14 pagina's •
Which pathology is most likely to be fit with free knee joints? Genu varum deformity 
Which type of scoliosis is most likely the result of a leg length discrepancy? Non-structural Scoliosis 
Which would you most expect to see in a patient with a plantarflexion contracture? Genu recurvatum at midstance 
True dorsiflexion and plantarflexion occur in what plane? Sagittal 
What orthosis would best restore upper extremity function for a patient with a spinal cord injury above the C6 n...
Orthotics and Prosthetics Combined Written Boards Exam Questions with Approved Answers | Latest 2025/2026 -Graded A.
A favorable outcome in orthotic management of a tibial fracture is: 
A. no more than 15 degrees angulation in the sagittal or coronal planes 
B. no more than 5 degrees of angulation in any plane 
C. no more than 25mm shortening 
D. no long term ankle arthritis B. no more than 5 degrees of angulation in any plane 
the ligament on which the talus rests and which helps support the medial longitudinal arch of the foot: 
A. long plantar ligament 
B. plantar calcaneonavicular ligament 
C. deltoid ...
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- • 97 pagina's •
A favorable outcome in orthotic management of a tibial fracture is: 
A. no more than 15 degrees angulation in the sagittal or coronal planes 
B. no more than 5 degrees of angulation in any plane 
C. no more than 25mm shortening 
D. no long term ankle arthritis B. no more than 5 degrees of angulation in any plane 
the ligament on which the talus rests and which helps support the medial longitudinal arch of the foot: 
A. long plantar ligament 
B. plantar calcaneonavicular ligament 
C. deltoid ...
Orthotic CPM Exam: Oral Questions with Verified Answers | 100% Correct | Latest 2025/2026
What motion and at what phase of gait does a cushioned heel simulate? plantarflexion at heel strike, initial contact 
Injury to which nerve presents as paralytic equinus during swing phase? common peroneal nerve 
If the ankle is 90 degrees at initial contact, what type of moment do you have at the knee? Knee flexion moment 
If the ankle is in 3 degrees of plantarflexion at midstance, what type of moment do you have at the knee? knee extension moment 
During which phase of gait do...
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- • 25 pagina's •
What motion and at what phase of gait does a cushioned heel simulate? plantarflexion at heel strike, initial contact 
Injury to which nerve presents as paralytic equinus during swing phase? common peroneal nerve 
If the ankle is 90 degrees at initial contact, what type of moment do you have at the knee? Knee flexion moment 
If the ankle is in 3 degrees of plantarflexion at midstance, what type of moment do you have at the knee? knee extension moment 
During which phase of gait do...
Orthotics CPM Physical Exam Prep with complete solutions| Latest 2025/2026
Hip Flexion ROM Testing Normal ROM: 120-130 degrees 
Position: Supine with hips extended 
Goniometer: Axis on GT, stationary arm on longitudinal axis of trunk, mobile arm on lateral longitudinal axis of femur 
Motion: Bend hip and knee up towards the chest and leave contralateral leg flat on table 
Thomas Test Test for hip flexion contracture 
Position: Supine 
Goniometer: Axis on GT, stationary arm on longitudinal axis of trunk, mobile arm on lateral longitudinal axis of femur 
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- • 32 pagina's •
Hip Flexion ROM Testing Normal ROM: 120-130 degrees 
Position: Supine with hips extended 
Goniometer: Axis on GT, stationary arm on longitudinal axis of trunk, mobile arm on lateral longitudinal axis of femur 
Motion: Bend hip and knee up towards the chest and leave contralateral leg flat on table 
Thomas Test Test for hip flexion contracture 
Position: Supine 
Goniometer: Axis on GT, stationary arm on longitudinal axis of trunk, mobile arm on lateral longitudinal axis of femur 
Orthotic CPM Exam Practice Questions with Approved Answers| Latest 2024/2025
How do position for carpal tunnel syndrome Cock up splint immobilizing wrist in neutral 
Describe the muscle implications to having a 1) radial, 2) ulnar, and 3) median nerve injury 1) Radial, all wrist extensors, elbow extensors, supinator, thumb abduction 
2) lose of lumbricals, Interossei, 1/2 FDS, and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, claw hand 
3) Lose 1+2 lumbricals, thenar muscles, Forearm Flexors, Causes ape hand 
For a complete Brachial plexus injury with flail arm what is the ox Wilmer C...
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- • 31 pagina's •
How do position for carpal tunnel syndrome Cock up splint immobilizing wrist in neutral 
Describe the muscle implications to having a 1) radial, 2) ulnar, and 3) median nerve injury 1) Radial, all wrist extensors, elbow extensors, supinator, thumb abduction 
2) lose of lumbricals, Interossei, 1/2 FDS, and Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, claw hand 
3) Lose 1+2 lumbricals, thenar muscles, Forearm Flexors, Causes ape hand 
For a complete Brachial plexus injury with flail arm what is the ox Wilmer C...
Orthotics CPM Exam Questions 100% Correct Answers| Latest 2025/2026.
Define spondylolysthesis and describe treatment recommendation Anterior slippage of superior vertebrae on inferior vertebrae 
Treatment: LSO with sagittal control 
In what position is the ankle joint most stable? Dorsiflexion 
How do you test for a "Normal" muscle grade for: 
Gastrocnemius? -Pt is prone with feet off table 
-Stabilize leg proximal to ankle with knee extended and ankle in DF 
-Pt will plantarflex the ankle through full ROM 
-Apply resistance to posterior calcaneus...
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- • 13 pagina's •
Define spondylolysthesis and describe treatment recommendation Anterior slippage of superior vertebrae on inferior vertebrae 
Treatment: LSO with sagittal control 
In what position is the ankle joint most stable? Dorsiflexion 
How do you test for a "Normal" muscle grade for: 
Gastrocnemius? -Pt is prone with feet off table 
-Stabilize leg proximal to ankle with knee extended and ankle in DF 
-Pt will plantarflex the ankle through full ROM 
-Apply resistance to posterior calcaneus...
NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg Exams PACKAGE DEAL| BUNDLE contains the latest Exams 1,2,3,4 questions with 100% correct Answers, Practice questions and updated study guides for Galen College - Everything you need to pass NUR 265 is here!
NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg Exams PACKAGE DEAL| BUNDLE contains the latest Exams 1,2,3,4 questions with 100% correct Answers, Practice questions and updated study guides for Galen College - Everything you need to pass NUR 265 is here!
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- • 8 items •
- Exam 1: NUR265/ NUR 265 (Latest 2025/ 2026) Advanced Med-Surg Questions with Verified Answers – Galen. • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Exam 1: NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg | Complete Guide with Questions and Verified Answers| Latest 2025/2026 | 100% Correct- Galen • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Exam 2: NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg | Exam Questions and Verified Answers| Latest 2025/2026 | 100% Correct- Galen • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Exam 2: NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg | Practice Questions and Verified Answers| Latest 2025/2026 | 100% Correct- Galen • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Exam 3: NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg | Complete Study Guide with Questions and Verified Answers| Latest 2025/2026 | 100% Correct- Galen • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- En meer ….
NUR 265/ NUR265- Advanced Med-Surg Exams PACKAGE DEAL| BUNDLE contains the latest Exams 1,2,3,4 questions with 100% correct Answers, Practice questions and updated study guides for Galen College - Everything you need to pass NUR 265 is here!
Exam 4: NUR 265 Advanced Med-Surg Exam Study Guide with complete solutions| Latest 2025/2026 – Galen.
John brown is burned over 90% of his body and is barely breathing. He is intubated and IV fluids were started at the scene 
*mass casualty example BLACK: EMERGENT 
Mr. Miller, the van driver has a deep and long bleeding laceration on his forehead, is complaining of severe chest pain radiating down his left arm, SOA, nausea, and a headache 
*mass casualty example RED: EMERGENT 
Patty Miller is complaining of severe pain in her right leg (her femur bone is protruding through her skin) ...
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- • 37 pagina's •
John brown is burned over 90% of his body and is barely breathing. He is intubated and IV fluids were started at the scene 
*mass casualty example BLACK: EMERGENT 
Mr. Miller, the van driver has a deep and long bleeding laceration on his forehead, is complaining of severe chest pain radiating down his left arm, SOA, nausea, and a headache 
*mass casualty example RED: EMERGENT 
Patty Miller is complaining of severe pain in her right leg (her femur bone is protruding through her skin) ...
Wellcare Mastery Exam (Latest 2025/2026) Questions with Verified Answers | 100% Correct | Graded A.
Exam 3: NSG 233 Med-Surg III Questions with verified Answers| Latest 2024/2025– Herzing
Exam 2: NSG 233 Med-Surg III Questions with verified Answers |Latest 2024/2025– Herzing.
ONS Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Certificate Test with Approved Answers | Latest 2023/2024
TEST BANK FOR Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th Edition Elaine Marieb |Chapter 1-29 |Answer Key Provided with 100% Correct Answers.