Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper AnnetteH.
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4 Ontvangen beoordelingen
1 items
Summary Business Law and ethics H1-12 H14
English summary of the subject Business Law and Ethics (University of Amsterdam). All chapters except for chapter 13, the book is as follows:

International law and business - A global introduction

Author: Mr. Dr. B.F.W. Wernaart - first edition

Noordhoff Uitgevers
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 48 pagina's •
English summary of the subject Business Law and Ethics (University of Amsterdam). All chapters except for chapter 13, the book is as follows:

International law and business - A global introduction

Author: Mr. Dr. B.F.W. Wernaart - first edition

Noordhoff Uitgevers
Summary Business Law and ethics H1-12 H14
Strategy and Organisation chapter 1-7
Strategy and Organisation chapter 1-7
Strategy and Organisation chapter 1-7