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Abeka 7th Grade History Quiz 12 Sections 11.1-11.2 100% Pass

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Charles defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours in 732 Pepin crowned king by the pope Norsemen group of invaders from Scandinavia Moors group of Muslim invaders from North Africa What was the extent of Charlemagne's empire? Charlemagne ruled the largest area in the West since the Roman emperors. Donation of Pepin OR Papal States the bargain that set the stage for a Roman Empire jointly ruled by pope and emperor

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  • geupload  29-05-2024
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Abeka 7th grade history quiz 9 already passed

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Who was the first Christian emperor of the Roman Empire Constantine What marked the end of the ancient times fall of the Roman Empire Who were thought to be descendants of Japheth's grandson Ashkenaz Germans By the time of who, all religions besides Christianity were being persecuted Theodosius I What edict announced a policy of toleration to all religions Edict of Milan What new capital was built on the old city of Byzantium

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 8 latest update already passed

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Nero first Roman emperor to persecute Christians Titus captured Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple Caligula selected his favorite horse to be a Roman senator Tiberius emperor during Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension Diocletian divided the empire into two main parts Trajan which "good emperor" pushed the Roman empire to its greatest extent Pontius Pilate What Roman governor aut

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 7 already passed

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which early inhabitants built the first cities in Italy Etruscans which early inhabitants of Italy settled Rome Latins in which Punic War did Rome annihilate Carthage Third In what year did the Latins revolt and establish a republic 509 B.C. what Asian kingdom did Rome acquire in 133 B.C. Pergamum what mountain range separates Italy from the r

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  • geupload  29-05-2024
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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 6 already passed

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democracy means "rule by the many or the common people" oligarchy means "rule by a few rich men" Athens controlled the Delian League Helots the largest class in Spartan society Spartans ruled by oligarchy; Athenians ruled by democracy the difference between Spartan rule and Athenian rule Athens In 404 B.C., the Peloponnesian War ended when who surrendered direct a democracy in which the people themsel

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 4 with complete solutions

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Who deported the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom Shalmaneser V Who collected a library of 100,000 cuneiform tablets Ashurbanipal Which ruler saw the handwriting on the wall during a great feast Belshazzar Which ruler deported inhabitants of Judah Nebuchadnezzar What ruler began the conquest of the Assyrian Empire Tiglath-pileser III Who warned the city Nineveh of God's coming judgment Jonah Who was an adviser to Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar? Daniel Who prophesied that Nineveh would f...

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 3 latest 2024 Graded A+

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what other name for the ten commandments means "the ten words" the Decalogue how many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness before entering Canaan 40 years whom did God choose to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River Joshua what man of God warned Israel about having a human king Samuel who was the first human king of Israel Saul a theocracy is a land ruled by God The covenant that was first made to him was extended to the natio

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 2 already graded A

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What does B.C. after a date mean before the birth of Christ What was the greatest turning point in world history Christ's first coming What does Tigris mean arrow What was the greatest accomplishment of the Sumerians writing What best describes the Sumerians and their religion polytheists and humanists who served g

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Abeka 7th grade History quiz 1 latest update graded A+

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What does Genesis mean beginning or origin What philosophy puts man in place of or above God humanism What is the way of life of a group of people culture What did God establish to teach the sanctity of human life capital punishment What is a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a unit nation

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Abeka 7th Grade History Appendix Quiz N Graded A+

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What Italian seaman was the first to realize the land Columbus discovered was a new continent Vespucci Who was the first Spanish explorer to land on the North American mainland Ponce de Leon True or false: Hernando Cortes conquered the incas of Peru False True or false: Juan Cabrillo a Portuguese sailor explored the coast of California for Spain True What king of Spain probably controlled more of the surface of the earth than any other human being in history Philip

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  • geupload  29-05-2024
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