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nrs 325 exam 2 2023 E

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nrs 325 exam 2 2023 E antifungals common adverse effects - CORRECT ANSWERS fever, chills, vomiting, abdominal pain, skin rash ulcerative colitis characteristics - CORRECT ANSWERS continuous, in colon, bleeding and mucous, 3-20 stools per day, cramping in lower left quadrant, mucousa and submucosa Chron's disease characteristics - CORRECT ANSWERS anywhere in GI tract, inflammation is transmural (entire bowel), cramping in lower right quadrant function of inflammation - CORRECT ANSWERS...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 4 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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Adult Health NR-325 Exam 1 2023

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Adult Health NR-325 Exam 1 2023 What is the range of normal blood sugar? - CORRECT ANSWERS 70-100 mg/dL What is the purpose of giving basal insulin? - CORRECT ANSWERS to regulate blood glucose levels on a consistent basis What are the 3 P's of Diabetes? - CORRECT ANSWERS Polydipsia Polyuria Polyphagia Why is polyuria seen in diabetes? - CORRECT ANSWERS because your body is trying to get rid of the extra glucose Why is polydipsia seen in diabetes? - CORRECT ANSWERS because your body ...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 20 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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Chamberlain NR 325 Exam 2, NR 325 Exam #2 2023

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Chamberlain NR 325 Exam 2, NR 325 Exam #2 2023 Which sided stroke has impaired speech/language aphasia; impaired right/left discrimination; slow performance/cautious,; depression/anxiety; impaired comprehension. - CORRECT ANSWERS Left-Sided Which sided stroke has spatial perception deficits; denying/minimizing; rapid performance/short attention; impulsiveness; impaired judgment; impaired time. - CORRECT ANSWERS Right-sided _____ are the confirming diagnostic studies for stroke. - COR...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 20 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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NR 325 Exam 3 2023

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NR 325 Exam 3 2023 Acute pancreatitis S/S - CORRECT ANSWERS N/V, Pain, LUQ Pain. , Abd distention, Cullens sign ( bruising around the abd.) Turner signs Radiologic studies - CORRECT ANSWERS ultrasound, mammogram, Ct Fibrocystic Breast changes - CORRECT ANSWERS comes and go with monthly mens, Makes BSE difficult, Esophageal Varices - CORRECT ANSWERS Priority: airway assessment, keep scissors at bedside Esophageal Varices S/S - CORRECT ANSWERS Bleeding Esophageal Varices treatment - CO...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 16 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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NR 325 Final Exam 2023

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NR 325 Final Exam 2023 inflammation of the gallbladder; this is typically caused by gallstones that block the ducts that lead out of the gallbladder, which results in a backup of bile. Cholecystitis (cholelithiasis) what disease process do these clinical manifestations represent? -RUQ pain that radiates to the right shoulder -Fever with chills -Tachycardia Cholecystitis Brainpower Read More name a few risk factors of cholecystitis High fat diet, obesity, age over 40 what kind of di...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 7 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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NR325 FINAL EXAM 2023 hypothyroidism unable to produce T3 or T4 s/s of hypothyroidism extreme fatigue, weight gain, low HR, hair loss, dry skin Brainpower Read More Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:04 / 0:15 Full screen management of hypothyroidism T4 (levothyroxine) replacement therapy myxedema coma (hypothyroidism) resp depression, lethargy progressing to stupor (due to untreated hypothyroid, or infection) hyperthyroidism excessive act...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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NR325 FINAL EXAM 2023 hypothyroidism unable to produce T3 or T4 s/s of hypothyroidism extreme fatigue, weight gain, low HR, hair loss, dry skin Brainpower Read More Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:04 / 0:15 Full screen management of hypothyroidism T4 (levothyroxine) replacement therapy myxedema coma (hypothyroidism) resp depression, lethargy progressing to stupor (due to untreated hypothyroid, or infection) hyperthyroidism excessive act...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 6 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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NR 325 Final Exam 2023

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NR 325 Final Exam 2023 Types of seizures partial and generalized partial vs generalized seizures Partial: one hemisphere, No loss of consciousness, Jerky movement on one side of the body Generalized: both hemispheres, has 3 phases (tonic > clonic > postictal) Brainpower Read More tonic phase Aura Cry out (due to air being squeezed out of the lungs) Unconscious Continuous muscle contraction (rigidity) Increased CO2 and glucose demand on the brain clonic phase state of alterna...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 14 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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HESI - Medical Surgical Nursing test 2023

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HESI - Medical Surgical Nursing test 2023 When describing patient education approaches, the nurse educator would explain that informal teaching is an approach that a. follows formalized plans b. has standardized content c. often occurs one-to-one d. addresses group needs - CORRECT ANSWERS C. Informal teaching is individualized one on one teaching which represents the majority of patient education done by nurses that occurs when an intervention is explained or a question is answered...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 53 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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Medical Surgical Nursing 2023

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Medical Surgical Nursing 2023Medical Surgical Nursing 2023 What is hypermetropia? - CORRECT ANSWERS long sitedness, whereby light ray convergence at a point after the retina, and therfore out of focus. Nearby objects apphear blurry while distant objects are clearer - CORRECT ANSWERS what is myopia? - CORRECT ANSWERS near/short sightedness, close is clear, far is blurry -usual starts in puberty and gets worse untill eye is fully grown. also in very young children. conditions associa...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  •  • 53 pagina's • 
  • door GREATSTUDY • 
  • geupload  13-04-2024
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