
Beste Overcomplete Samenvattingen Informatiekunde - Utrecht University

Ik ben Damian, een student Informatiekunde aan de Universiteit Utrecht die met plezier samenvattingen schrijft. Ik doe dit al een aardige tijd en heb tot nu toe veel positieve reacties ontvangen op mijn samenvattingen, en ik hoop dat jij dit ook zo gaat ervaren! Elke samenvatting die je bij mij koopt is kwalitatief hoogstaand en overcompleet.


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28 Ontvangen beoordelingen

6 items

Summary of EVERYTHING for the exam of EC2EBE: Essentials of Entrepreneurship UU minor entrepreneurship 2020. Including Seminars, Articles, and possible Exam Questions

45x  verkocht

As the title says: all the important parts are discussed in this summary. This includes: ALL regular lectures, articles that needed to be read, seminars, and at last additional materials that were needed to take into account. Quality of the document is high as usual. Not only including text but also helpful images and illustrations. Everything in a nice lay-out which makes it very easy to read. The lectures discussed are the ones according to the blackboard page: Introduction, Entrepreneurial me...

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 40 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  18-01-2020
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Summary of EVERYTHING for the exam of EC2EBE: Essentials of Entrepreneurship UU minor entrepreneurship 2020. Including Seminars, Articles, and possible Exam Questions

20x  verkocht

As the title says: all the important parts are discussed in this summary. This includes: ALL regular lectures, articles that needed to be read, seminars, and at last additional materials that were needed to take into account. Quality of the document is high as usual. Not only including text but also helpful images and illustrations. Everything in a nice lay-out which makes it very easy to read. The lectures discussed are the ones according to the blackboard page: Introduction, Entrepreneurial me...

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 40 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  18-01-2020
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Summary of EVERYTHING for the exam of EC2EBE: Essentials of Entrepreneurship UU minor entrepreneurship 2020. Including Seminars, Articles, and possible Exam Questions

2x  verkocht

As the title says: all the important parts are discussed in this summary. This includes: ALL regular lectures, articles that needed to be read, seminars, and at last additional materials that were needed to take into account. Quality of the document is high as usual. Not only including text but also helpful images and illustrations. Everything in a nice lay-out which makes it very easy to read. The lectures discussed are the ones according to the blackboard page: Introduction, Entrepreneurial me...

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 40 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  18-01-2020
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Summary of ALL lectures for INFOSEC: Information Security UU 2019

7x  verkocht

Complete summary of all the lectures provided for INFOSEC. The lectures that are discussed are: Lecture 1A: Course overview & administration, Lecture 1B: Principles of Security & Secure Design, Lecture 2: Authentication and Access Control, Lecture 3: Symmetric Encryption, Lecture 4: Authenticated Encryption, Hash Functions, and Message Authentication Codes, Lecture 5: Asymmetric Cryptography, Lecture 6: Malware, Lecture 7: Networking Basics: Computer Networks & The Internet, Lecture 8: Network S...

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 71 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  04-04-2019
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Summary of ALL lectures for the midterm for PSW: Product Software UU 2018-2019

3x  verkocht

I hereby sell a PDF version of my summary for the course Product Software (PSW). This course is given at Utrecht University and the summary contains all the material for the midterm exam that we had. When you buy this PDF, it will certainly ensure that you have a good chance of achieving a sufficient grade if the material is quite similar. Here, I assume that would be the case, but it can be happening of course that something has been added or something has been deleted, so check the parts that ...

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 33 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  06-01-2019
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Samenvatting Hoorcolleges Datamodelleren UU 2017-2018

17x  verkocht

Hierbij verkoop ik een PDF-versie van mijn samenvatting voor het vak Datamodelleren. Dit vak wordt gegeven op de Universiteit Utrecht en de samenvatting bevat alle stof voor het tentamen dat wij hadden. Wanneer je deze koopt, gaat het er zeker voor zorgen dat je een goede kans op een voldoende gaat halen indien de stof hetzelfde is. Hier ga ik wel van uit, maar het kan natuurlijk zijn dat er iets bij is gekomen of iets af is gegaan, check daarom even hieronder de onderdelen die ik bespreek in de...

i x
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 38 pagina's • 
  • door daimsv • 
  • geupload  05-01-2019
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