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Summary Articles 'Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation' (CEI)

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A summary of the required articles for the course 'Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation' (CEI) at Utrecht University. The articles included in this summary are: Lumpkin & Dess (1996), Wales et al. (2020), Wolcott & Lippitz (2007), O'Reilly & Tushman (2014), Lerner (2016), Hunt et al., (2019), Pisano (2019), Terwiesch & Ulrich (2010), Perry-Smith & Manucci (2017), Dahlander et al. (2020), Stieler & Henike (2021), Grohsjean et al. (2021). The summary is written in English. Good luck with studyi...

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 30 pagina's • 
  • door ehvandolder • 
  • geupload  2022
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