English Language and Literature
I am a graduate of both the BA English Language and Culture ReMa Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Groningen Groningen University. I always made very extensive summaries during my courses, often adding in jokes, sarcastic comments, memes, fandom references etc. in the footnotes to make life a little more fun. I hope my summaries will help you!
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20 Ontvangen beoordelingen
47 items
Love's Labour's Lost - scene-by-scene summary & notes
This document contains some notes on William Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost, plus a scene-by-scene summary.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 4 pagina's •
This document contains some notes on William Shakespeare's play Love's Labour's Lost, plus a scene-by-scene summary.
The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki - Full Summary + Family Tree
This is a full summary of "The saga of King Heiðrek the Wise" as translated by Jesse L. Byock. It also contains a link to a full family tree.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 10 pagina's •
This is a full summary of "The saga of King Heiðrek the Wise" as translated by Jesse L. Byock. It also contains a link to a full family tree.
Heiðreks saga/Hervarar saga/The saga of King Heiðrek the Wise
This is a full summary of "The saga of King Heiðrek the Wise" as translated by Christopher Tolkien. It also contains a link to a full family tree.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 11 pagina's •
This is a full summary of "The saga of King Heiðrek the Wise" as translated by Christopher Tolkien. It also contains a link to a full family tree.
Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar: Full Saga Summarised
This is a summary of the fornaldarsagar/legendary saga Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar, based on the translation by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 10 pagina's •
This is a summary of the fornaldarsagar/legendary saga Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar, based on the translation by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards.
This document contains various lecture notes, summaries of other texts in the Beowulf manuscript, and summaries of secondary literature, including the introduction to Klaeber's Beowulf (4th edition). It does not contain a summary of the poem itself, but should be used as a way to get more context around the poem and possibly help you broaden your horizons when you prepare for exams or essays.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 39 pagina's •
This document contains various lecture notes, summaries of other texts in the Beowulf manuscript, and summaries of secondary literature, including the introduction to Klaeber's Beowulf (4th edition). It does not contain a summary of the poem itself, but should be used as a way to get more context around the poem and possibly help you broaden your horizons when you prepare for exams or essays.
Gisli Sursson's Saga - Full Summary + Family Tree
This document contains a full summary of the entirety of Gisli Sursson's Saga, as translated by Martin S. Regal. 
t also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised. Please note that there might some duplicates in the family tree, due to the way FamilyEcho formats a tree once it gets convoluted enough. These are, however, clearly marked.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 12 pagina's •
This document contains a full summary of the entirety of Gisli Sursson's Saga, as translated by Martin S. Regal. 
t also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised. Please note that there might some duplicates in the family tree, due to the way FamilyEcho formats a tree once it gets convoluted enough. These are, however, clearly marked.
Grettir's Saga - Full Summary & Family Tree
This document contains a full summary of the entirety of Grettir's Saga, as translated by Jesse Byock. 
It also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 38 pagina's •
This document contains a full summary of the entirety of Grettir's Saga, as translated by Jesse Byock. 
It also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised.
Piers Plowman C Version - Full Summary + Lecture Notes
This document contains a full summary + explanatory notes of William Langland'S Piers Plowman: A New Annotated Edition of the C-text by Derek Pearsall. it also contains lecture notes & summaries of various secondary sources. Please note that this document discusses the C-version of the text only, which is significantly different from version A and B. Please check with your professor which version you need, since the B text is more often taught.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 97 pagina's •
This document contains a full summary + explanatory notes of William Langland'S Piers Plowman: A New Annotated Edition of the C-text by Derek Pearsall. it also contains lecture notes & summaries of various secondary sources. Please note that this document discusses the C-version of the text only, which is significantly different from version A and B. Please check with your professor which version you need, since the B text is more often taught.
The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki - Full Summary + Family Tree
Lerne to Dye/Learn to Die from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
Summary of Semantics by John I. Saeed
The Dialogue with a Friend from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
The Complaint from Thomas Hoccleve's Series