English Language and Literature
I am a graduate of both the BA English Language and Culture ReMa Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Groningen Groningen University. I always made very extensive summaries during my courses, often adding in jokes, sarcastic comments, memes, fandom references etc. in the footnotes to make life a little more fun. I hope my summaries will help you!
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20 Ontvangen beoordelingen
47 items
Laxdæla saga and Bolli Bollason's Tale - Full Summary and Family Tree
This document contains an introduction to, information about and summary of the Laxdæla saga and Bolli Bollason's tale. It also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised. 
Please note that there might some duplicates in the family tree, due to the way FamilyEcho formats a tree once it gets convoluted enough. These are, however, clearly marked.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
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- • 34 pagina's •
This document contains an introduction to, information about and summary of the Laxdæla saga and Bolli Bollason's tale. It also contains a link to a full family tree where you can click around and see the familiar relationships (parents, children, spouses) visualised. 
Please note that there might some duplicates in the family tree, due to the way FamilyEcho formats a tree once it gets convoluted enough. These are, however, clearly marked.
The Poetic Edda - Ful Summary
This document contains a summary of the entire The Poetic Edda translated by Carolyne Larrington. This includes: 
Seeress’ Prophecy (Voluspa), Sayings of the High One (Havamal), Vafthrudnir’s Sayings (Vafthrudnismal), Grimnir’s Sayings (Grimismal), Skirnir’s Journey, Harbard’s Song (Harbardzljod), Hymir’s Poem (Hymiskvida)	, Loki’s Quarrel (Lokasenna), Thrym’s Poem (Thrymskvida), The Poem of Volund (Volundarkvida), All-wise’s Sayings (Alvissmal), The First Poem of Helgi Hu...
- Boek
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- • 64 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of the entire The Poetic Edda translated by Carolyne Larrington. This includes: 
Seeress’ Prophecy (Voluspa), Sayings of the High One (Havamal), Vafthrudnir’s Sayings (Vafthrudnismal), Grimnir’s Sayings (Grimismal), Skirnir’s Journey, Harbard’s Song (Harbardzljod), Hymir’s Poem (Hymiskvida)	, Loki’s Quarrel (Lokasenna), Thrym’s Poem (Thrymskvida), The Poem of Volund (Volundarkvida), All-wise’s Sayings (Alvissmal), The First Poem of Helgi Hu...
The Complaint from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
This document contains a summary of The Complaint from Thomas Hoccleve's Series (not to be confused with compleynte paramount by the same author), as well as chapter 6 from Ethan Knapp's book The Bureaucratic Muse and seminar notes on the poem.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
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- • 5 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of The Complaint from Thomas Hoccleve's Series (not to be confused with compleynte paramount by the same author), as well as chapter 6 from Ethan Knapp's book The Bureaucratic Muse and seminar notes on the poem.
Lerne to Dye/Learn to Die from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
This document contains a summary of Thomas Hoccleve's Lerne to Dye.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
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- • 4 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of Thomas Hoccleve's Lerne to Dye.
The Dialogue with a Friend from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
This document contains a summary of Thomas Hoccleve's Dialogue, which is part of the Series. It also contains seminar notes on the text, as well as a summary of Sebastian Sobecki's book Last Words, chapter 2
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
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- • 7 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of Thomas Hoccleve's Dialogue, which is part of the Series. It also contains seminar notes on the text, as well as a summary of Sebastian Sobecki's book Last Words, chapter 2
The Witch of Edmonton - William Rowley, Thomas Dekker, John Ford
This summary contains a scene-by-scene summary of The Witch of Edmonton, preceded by a list of characters, a quick plot overview and information about the play.

The scene-by-scene summary is followed by a summary of the secondary article 'Interrogating the Devil: Social and Demonic Pressure in The Witch of Edmonton', which discusses scepticism, Queen Elizabeth, Frank, Social vs Demonic influences and Cuddy. 

It also contains a summary of chapters 4, 5 and 6 of the book 'The Witch in History: E...
- Boek
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- • 17 pagina's •
This summary contains a scene-by-scene summary of The Witch of Edmonton, preceded by a list of characters, a quick plot overview and information about the play.

The scene-by-scene summary is followed by a summary of the secondary article 'Interrogating the Devil: Social and Demonic Pressure in The Witch of Edmonton', which discusses scepticism, Queen Elizabeth, Frank, Social vs Demonic influences and Cuddy. 

It also contains a summary of chapters 4, 5 and 6 of the book 'The Witch in History: E...
Introduction to Old English, Third Edition - Peter S. Baker
This document contains a summary of the 3rd edition of Introduction to Old English by Peter S. Baker. I have summarised chapter 1-16, but have not summarised or translated any of the Old English texts given in the anthology. Please note that, since many Old English words are mentioned, I could not properly spell-check this summary. There may be some typos in there!

Please note Stuvia does not allow me to change my study country. The course this summary 'officially' belongs to (since I have to n...
- Boek
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- • 29 pagina's •
This document contains a summary of the 3rd edition of Introduction to Old English by Peter S. Baker. I have summarised chapter 1-16, but have not summarised or translated any of the Old English texts given in the anthology. Please note that, since many Old English words are mentioned, I could not properly spell-check this summary. There may be some typos in there!

Please note Stuvia does not allow me to change my study country. The course this summary 'officially' belongs to (since I have to n...
Full Summary And Class Notes of Pirates and Poets: Viking encounters in the British Isles INCLUDING FULL SYMMARY OF Prose Edda, Poetic Edda, Egil's saga,
This summary contains a summary of: 
- Prose Edda 
- Poetic Edda 
- Egil’s Saga 
- Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar 
- Haraldskvæði (Introduction and Actual poem) 
- Eiríksmál (Introduction and Actual poem) 
- Excerpts from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (The Canterbury Manuscript and The Winchester Manuscript) 
- Ӕlfric of Eynsham – AD ±945-±1010, The Passion of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr 
- The Battle of Maldon (Introduction and Actual Poem) 
- Sermo Lupi Ad Ang...
- Voordeelbundel
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- • 95 pagina's •
This summary contains a summary of: 
- Prose Edda 
- Poetic Edda 
- Egil’s Saga 
- Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar 
- Haraldskvæði (Introduction and Actual poem) 
- Eiríksmál (Introduction and Actual poem) 
- Excerpts from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (The Canterbury Manuscript and The Winchester Manuscript) 
- Ӕlfric of Eynsham – AD ±945-±1010, The Passion of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr 
- The Battle of Maldon (Introduction and Actual Poem) 
- Sermo Lupi Ad Ang...
Brut by Layamon
This summary contains a summary of the introduction of Brut by Layamon, a summary of Layamon's Brut in Romance of Arthur, an Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation (3rd ed), and extensive notes on the language and audience.
- Boek
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- • 3 pagina's •
This summary contains a summary of the introduction of Brut by Layamon, a summary of Layamon's Brut in Romance of Arthur, an Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation (3rd ed), and extensive notes on the language and audience.
The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki - Full Summary + Family Tree
Lerne to Dye/Learn to Die from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
Summary of Semantics by John I. Saeed
The Dialogue with a Friend from Thomas Hoccleve's Series
The Complaint from Thomas Hoccleve's Series