

Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper evelieneq.


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12 Ontvangen beoordelingen

11 items

Introduction to Communication Studies - A First Look at Communication Theory, Media Effects, Artikelen

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Summary of: - A First Look at Communication Theory chapters 1-7, 14-16, 25, 27-30, 32-36; - Media Effects chapters 1-12; Articles (summarized less extensively): - McAndrew, F. T., & De Jonge, C. R. (2011). Electronic person perception: what do we infer about people from the style of their e-mail messages? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2(4), 403-407.; - Veltkamp, M., Custers, R., en Aarts, H. (2011). Motivating consumer behavior by subliminal conditioning in the absence of bas...

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  •  Boek & Voordeelbundel
  • Samenvatting
  •  • 53 pagina's • 
  • door evelieneq • 
  • geupload  2020
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