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Summary introduction to entrepreneurship articles, E.P.M. Croonen

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This document includes summaries of the following content: (the chapters are from the book "Introduction to Entrepreneurship from dr. E.P.M. Croonen Lecture 1: Introduction to entrepreneurship (Croonen) 1) Textbook Chapter 2. 2) Thurik, A.R., Stam, E. & Audretsch, D.B. (2013). The rise of the entrepreneurial economy and the future of dynamic capitalism. Technovation, 33, 302-310. 3) Kuratko, D.F., Morris, M.H., & Schindehutte, M. (2015), Understanding the dynamics of entrepreneurship through...

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  • Samenvatting
  •  • 75 pagina's • 
  • door gmart • 
  • geupload  2018
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