Samenvattingen/essays/papers etc. van mijn Bachelor opleiding International Leisure Studies (Vrijetijdswetenschappen). Vakken die ik o.a. aanbied zijn Sociology, Anthropology, Research Methods, Marketing, Economy etc.
Daarnaast bied ik vanaf 2016 ook samenvattingen aan van mijn Master opleiding Human Resource Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit.
- 32
- 0
- 2
- Volgers
- Volgend
108 Ontvangen beoordelingen
34 items

Summary article by Sorkin (1992): Introduction: Variations on a Theme Park
Summary of the article by Sorkin (1992): "Introduction: Variations on a Theme Park". 
This article is part of the course Leisure and Urban Development.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 1 pagina's •
Summary of the article by Sorkin (1992): "Introduction: Variations on a Theme Park". 
This article is part of the course Leisure and Urban Development.

Summary, article by Mommaas (2008) The ‘leisure industries’ and the re-composition of the public sphere
Summary of the article by Mommaas (2008): The ‘leisure industries’ and the re-composition of the public sphere.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 6 pagina's •
Summary of the article by Mommaas (2008): The ‘leisure industries’ and the re-composition of the public sphere.

Summary SPSSS Andy Field Ch. 10 - 14
Summary of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field. It includes chapter 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 14 pagina's •
Summary of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field. It includes chapter 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14.

Summary SPSSS Andy Field Ch. 17-18
Summary of chapter 17 & 18 of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 6 pagina's •
Summary of chapter 17 & 18 of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field.

Summary SPSSS Andy Field Ch. 1-4
Summary of the first chapters of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field. It includes chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 15 pagina's •
Summary of the first chapters of the book "Discovering statistics using spss" by Andy Field. It includes chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Summary SPSSS Andy Field Ch. 5 - 9
Summary of the book Discovering statistics using SPSS written by Andy Field. It includes chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. 

- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 20 pagina's •
Summary of the book Discovering statistics using SPSS written by Andy Field. It includes chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. 

Summary article: The Meaning of Liquid Leisure
Summary of the article "The Meaning of Liquid Leisure" by Johan Bouwer & Marco van Leeuwen 

- Samenvatting
- • 2 pagina's •
Summary of the article "The Meaning of Liquid Leisure" by Johan Bouwer & Marco van Leeuwen 

Summary: Social Research Methods (Chapter 1 2 3)
Summary of the first three chapters of the book Social Research Methods by Alan Bryman.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 7 pagina's •
Summary of the first three chapters of the book Social Research Methods by Alan Bryman.

Organizations: Structures, Processes and Outcomes (summary/samenvatting)
Summary of the book "Organizations: Structures, Processes and Outcomes" by Pamela S. Tolbert and Richard H. Hall.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
Summary of the book "Organizations: Structures, Processes and Outcomes" by Pamela S. Tolbert and Richard H. Hall.
Summary SPSSS Andy Field Ch. 5 - 9
Chapter 8 is missing and not very extensive
Summary of the book "Leading Change" (Kotter)
Summary of the book
Summary article: The Meaning of Liquid Leisure
Summary of the book