Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper joycerommens.
- 29
- 0
- 5
- Volgers
- Volgend
6 Ontvangen beoordelingen
34 items

HCM Health Service Operations Management (lectures/working groups)
Summary/notes of the lectures and working groups of the course: health service operations management. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- College aantekeningen
- • 50 pagina's •
Summary/notes of the lectures and working groups of the course: health service operations management. 
Master Healthcare Management.

HCM Health Service Operations Management (literature)
Summary of the mandatory literature of the course: health service operations management. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- Samenvatting
- • 29 pagina's •
Summary of the mandatory literature of the course: health service operations management. 
Master Healthcare Management.

HCM Health Service Operations Management: excel file of the unit and process analyses
Within this excel file, the correct calculations for the unit and process analyses are shown. Within the course, example questions are provided for the exam. With these calculations, the questions can be answered. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- Voordeelbundel
- Case uitwerking
- • 353 pagina's •
Within this excel file, the correct calculations for the unit and process analyses are shown. Within the course, example questions are provided for the exam. With these calculations, the questions can be answered. 
Master Healthcare Management.

HCM Essay individual assignment Quality and Safety
Essay for the individual assignment of the course: quality and safety. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- Essay
- • 6 pagina's •
Essay for the individual assignment of the course: quality and safety. 
Master Healthcare Management.

Organizational Behaviour lectures/working groups/literature
Complete summary of the lectures, working groups, and literature of the course: organizational behaviour.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- HCM Organizational Behaviour (lectures/working groups) • College aantekeningen
- HCM Organizational Behaviour (literature) • Samenvatting
Complete summary of the lectures, working groups, and literature of the course: organizational behaviour.

HCM Organizational Behaviour (literature)
Summary of the mandatory literature of the course: organizational behaviour. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 16 pagina's •
Summary of the mandatory literature of the course: organizational behaviour. 
Master Healthcare Management.

HCM Organizational Behaviour (lectures/working groups)
Summary/notes of the lectures and working groups of the course: organizational behaviour. 
Master Healthcare Management.
- Voordeelbundel
- College aantekeningen
- • 33 pagina's •
Summary/notes of the lectures and working groups of the course: organizational behaviour. 
Master Healthcare Management.

Advanced Research Methods lectures/working groups/literature (exam grade: 7,8)
A complete summary of the course: advanced research methods.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- HCM Advanced Research Methods (literature summary) • Samenvatting
- HCM Advanced Research Methods part 3: Combining methods (lectures/working groups) • College aantekeningen
A complete summary of the course: advanced research methods.

HCM Advanced Research Methods part 2: Qualitative methods (lectures/working groups)
Notes of the lectures and working groups from the second part of the course: advanced research methods. In this part the qualitative methods are discussed. 
My exam grade: 7.8 
Master Healthcare Management.
- College aantekeningen
- • 28 pagina's •
Notes of the lectures and working groups from the second part of the course: advanced research methods. In this part the qualitative methods are discussed. 
My exam grade: 7.8 
Master Healthcare Management.

HCM Advanced Research Methods part 1: Quantitative methods (lectures/working groups)
Notes of the lectures and working groups from the first part of the course: advanced research methods. In this part the quantitative methods are discussed. 
My exam grade: 7.8 
Master Healthcare Management.
- College aantekeningen
- • 59 pagina's •
Notes of the lectures and working groups from the first part of the course: advanced research methods. In this part the quantitative methods are discussed. 
My exam grade: 7.8 
Master Healthcare Management.
HCM Health Service Operations Management: excel file of the unit and process analyses
Blok 3 kennismodule: Management van zorginstellingen (deel 1)(colleges/werkgroepen/literatuur)
HCM Advanced Research Methods (literature summary)
HCM Advanced Research Methods (literature summary)
Bevat maar 1 artikel van kwalitatieve literatuur
HCM Health Service Operations Management (lectures/working groups)