Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper leilahhafdi.
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12 items
Professional Branding - reflection report
Reflection report for Professional Branding.
- Essay
- • 9 pagina's •
Reflection report for Professional Branding.
3 articles magazine BE3
The theme/vibe of the magazine was luxury lifestyle. One article is about matcha, the second is about hot yoga and the last one is about the power of flowers. The grammer of all articles is excellent and checked by different teachers.
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- • 14 pagina's •
The theme/vibe of the magazine was luxury lifestyle. One article is about matcha, the second is about hot yoga and the last one is about the power of flowers. The grammer of all articles is excellent and checked by different teachers.
Sales3 Schriftelijke Opdracht
BR1 essay
Shity report, he definitely barely passed with this one