

Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper martinatacconi.


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2 Ontvangen beoordelingen

10 items

Topic: Political Marketing, Campaigns and Voters class + lecture NOTES

0x  verkocht

I really enjoyed this course and the lecturer was very captivating! I did all the readings (and they are labeled accordingly) + all the lectures ( I missed lecture 5) All the reading + lecture notes are attached. Words in red are important keywords with their definition!

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 56 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Class + Reading notes Statistical Modelling for Communication Research (SMCR)(Communication Science) 774221002Y

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This includes 2 documents. The first is a summary of the chapters that are required readings (these can help score better in the weekly bonus tests!). It includes chapters 1-11 and each chapter has its own dictionary which summarizes all the new words that were mentioned (and are relevant for the exam). The second document is a table of all the required SPSS tests that are covered in this course + some recap from MCRS which can come in handy for the exam! It explains what its for and how to do ...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 12 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Lecture + Reading notes for Corporate Communication (Communication Science) 774211001Y

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This document includes all the lecture + reading notes that are necessary for the exam and assignments that the course entails. It covers topics such as defining corporate communication, stakeholder management & communication, issue management, media relations & crisis communication, public affairs & investor relations, employee communication, organizational change & leadership processes (these are the chapters and lecture themes starting from 1 week until week 7).

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 27 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Lecture + reading notes Philosophy of Science & Methodology (Communication Science) 774212001Y based on Exploring Humans, ISBN: 9789024441112

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This includes all the lecture + reading notes from the assigned textbook and reader! It discusses all necessary material for the exam and for the assignments. It also color codes the information to make it more clear and easy to read.

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  •  Boek
  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 53 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Class notes Entertainment Communication (Communication Science course) 774212002Y

0x  verkocht

This includes lectures and reading notes on all the topics covered throughout the entire course! It includes definitions, theories, models, and explanations of all the concepts that can help in the assignment and are relevant for the exam! It also includes images of the diagrams and models that need to be learned as part of the course content.

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 35 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Class notes + lecture notes Political Communication & Jounralism 774222001Y

0x  verkocht

This document includes all the lecture, videos and reading notes from the assigned articles: 1. (Benett, 2016) "The politics of illusion”; news in a changing information system 2. (Stromback, 2008) Four phases of mediatization and analysis of the mediatization in politics 3. Plessing (2017) Shifting south african media diversity debate form the stick to the carrot 4. (Wouters) From the street to the screen; characteristics of protest events as determinants of TV news coverage 5. (Valenz...

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 47 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Class notes Gender & Social Inequality (137221026Y)

1x  verkocht

Notes based on the 7 lectures and the assigned readings & videos: * Please note that notes for some articles are missing but I indicated their authors and title to ensure that you are aware of which ones I did not include notes of. 1. Video 1 - Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (Bolivian indigenous feminist scholar) 2. Video 2 - Discussing feminism with Latin-American women 3. Video 3 - Mujeres que no se quedan en casa durante COVID-19 4. Banet-Weiser, Sarah, Rosalid Gill & Catherine Rottenberg....

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  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 24 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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Class notes + lecture + reading notes for Communication Ethics (774332001Y) from the book: Media Ethics, ISBN: 9781483323435

3x  verkocht

This document contains all the information from the readings of the textbook (chapter 1 to 10 as assigned by the lecturer). Also includes the lecture notes based on the 2 lectures that the course holds. It discusses each chapter in detail which helped me clearly apply the theories to the group and individual assignment (and earn a 9 individually and an 8.7 in the group project).

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  •  Boek
  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 13 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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7 weeks of readings + lecture notes for Topic Algorithmic Persuasion in the Digital Society

7x  verkocht

This document contains all the lecture notes from the course Topic Algorithm in the Digital Society and all the reading notes. It includes all the names of the articles and their authors the articles are the following: 1. Zarouali, B., Boerman, S.C., Voorveld, H.A.M., & Van Noort, G. (2022). The Algorithmic Persuasion Framework in online communication: Conceptualization and a future research agenda. Internet Research 2. Boerman, S.C., Kruikemeier, S., & Zuiderveen Borgesius F.J., (2017). Onl...

i x
  • College aantekeningen
  •  • 38 pagina's • 
  • door martinatacconi • 
  • geupload  2022
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