Psychology Summaries (UvA, English & Dutch)
Hi and welcome to my profile!
My name is Rosalie, I am currently a master's student in clinical psychology at the UvA. I passed the bachelor in psychology with distinction and I completed the clinical specialization track. To share my knowledge with other students like you I have decided to upload summaries on here, to enable you to pass the courses with high grades too!
I hope my summaries can help you out. If you have any improvements on them, do not hesitate to send me a message!
Good luck with your studies,
- 15
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- Volgers
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24 Ontvangen beoordelingen
19 items

Psychotherapy and therapeutic skills SV literatuur werkgroepen (portfolio)
Nederlandse versie van Lang & van der Molen, samenvatting van de relevante hoofdstukken benodigd voor de werkgroepen therapeutische vaardigheden (en dus het portfolio, eindproduct). Hiernaast een Engelse samenvatting van 'how to do motivational interviewing' (Matulich). Erg fijn om erbij te kunnen houden bij het maken van het portfolio! Succes.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 20 pagina's •
Nederlandse versie van Lang & van der Molen, samenvatting van de relevante hoofdstukken benodigd voor de werkgroepen therapeutische vaardigheden (en dus het portfolio, eindproduct). Hiernaast een Engelse samenvatting van 'how to do motivational interviewing' (Matulich). Erg fijn om erbij te kunnen houden bij het maken van het portfolio! Succes.

Therapeutic skills UvA Lecture notes
Good luck with your portfolio :)
- College aantekeningen
- • 8 pagina's •
Good luck with your portfolio :)

How to do motivational interviewing - summary (UvA, psychology, psychotherapy and therapeutic skills)
Summary of the e-book by Matulich on motivational interviewing. Can be very helpful when writing your portfolio for the course on psychotherapy and therapeutic skills. (UvA, BSc, clinical specialization). Good luck <3 (i.e. NOT a summary of Lang & van der Molen, as I wrote this in Dutch -you can find that on my profile as well).
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 8 pagina's •
Summary of the e-book by Matulich on motivational interviewing. Can be very helpful when writing your portfolio for the course on psychotherapy and therapeutic skills. (UvA, BSc, clinical specialization). Good luck <3 (i.e. NOT a summary of Lang & van der Molen, as I wrote this in Dutch -you can find that on my profile as well).

Clinical Interviewing and Diagnostic Skills, tentamen 1 (NL, alle criteria DSM-5, UvA, klinische psychologie)
Dit document bevat een samenvatting van het artikel voor tentamen 1 (Engelstalig) en een overzicht van alle DSM-5 criteria die we behoren te kennen (Nederlandstalig, geel gemarkeerd = niet nodig, maar wel handig!). UvA, klinische psychologie, Clinical Interviewing and Diagnostic Skills. Voor extra dingen die we moeten kennen benoemd in de colleges is dit document niet geschikt, ik heb geen aantekeningen toegevoegd van Arjen Noordhof's video's, maar naar mijn mening zegt hij hierin ook niet veel ...
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 24 pagina's •
Dit document bevat een samenvatting van het artikel voor tentamen 1 (Engelstalig) en een overzicht van alle DSM-5 criteria die we behoren te kennen (Nederlandstalig, geel gemarkeerd = niet nodig, maar wel handig!). UvA, klinische psychologie, Clinical Interviewing and Diagnostic Skills. Voor extra dingen die we moeten kennen benoemd in de colleges is dit document niet geschikt, ik heb geen aantekeningen toegevoegd van Arjen Noordhof's video's, maar naar mijn mening zegt hij hierin ook niet veel ...

A Clinical Perspective on Today's Issues interim 2 - UvA Psychology (complete summary)
This is an extensive summary of the literature, videos and other information relevant to the 2nd interim exam of the course 'a clinical perspective of today's issues' at the University of Amsterdam (UvA, current topic, 2nd/3rd year elective). See the table of contents for what it exactly contains. Good luck studying and good luck on the exam!
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 48 pagina's •
This is an extensive summary of the literature, videos and other information relevant to the 2nd interim exam of the course 'a clinical perspective of today's issues' at the University of Amsterdam (UvA, current topic, 2nd/3rd year elective). See the table of contents for what it exactly contains. Good luck studying and good luck on the exam!

A clinical perspective on today's issues - learning objectives interim 1
This is a short overview of the learning objectives and what information is most important. It would be good to buy my complete summary in addition to this document. Good luck!
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 7 pagina's •
This is a short overview of the learning objectives and what information is most important. It would be good to buy my complete summary in addition to this document. Good luck!

A clinical perspective on today's issues - summary interim 1
This is a summary of the literature, videos and other information relevant to the 1st interim exam of the course 'a clinical perspective of today's issues' at the University of Amsterdam (UvA, current topic, 2nd/3rd year elective). See the table of contents for what it exactly contains. Good luck studying and good luck on the exam!
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 45 pagina's •
This is a summary of the literature, videos and other information relevant to the 1st interim exam of the course 'a clinical perspective of today's issues' at the University of Amsterdam (UvA, current topic, 2nd/3rd year elective). See the table of contents for what it exactly contains. Good luck studying and good luck on the exam!

Clinical Developmental and Health Psychology - summary lectures and literature
This is a summary for the current topic 'clinical developmental and health psychology' at the UvA (University of Amsterdam, psychology). It includes all lecture information (14) and additional information from the literature. Good luck studying!
- Samenvatting
- • 38 pagina's •
This is a summary for the current topic 'clinical developmental and health psychology' at the UvA (University of Amsterdam, psychology). It includes all lecture information (14) and additional information from the literature. Good luck studying!
A clinical perspective on today's issues - summary interim 1
Clinical Psychology Interim 2 (ALL chapters, UvA psy year 1)
Clinical Psychology Interim 2 (ALL chapters, UvA psy year 1)
Clinical Psychology Interim 2 (ALL chapters, UvA psy year 1)
Clinical Psychology Interim 2 (ALL chapters, UvA psy year 1)