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GMS 200 – Midterm| 125 Questions| Accurate Answers
Ethics - ANSWER code of moral principles that set standards of conduct of what is good and right 
Organizations as open system - ANSWER composed or interrelated parts that function together 
Line Manager - ANSWER Responsible for work activities that directly affect organization's outputs
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- • 9 pagina's •
Ethics - ANSWER code of moral principles that set standards of conduct of what is good and right 
Organizations as open system - ANSWER composed or interrelated parts that function together 
Line Manager - ANSWER Responsible for work activities that directly affect organization's outputs

GMS 6121 Exam 1 Correct questions & solutions (RATED A)
The 4 things that viruses lack - ANSWER (1) Enzymes that produce basic chemical building blocks 
(2) Enzyme systems that generate usable energy 
(3) Enzymes/tRNAs/ribosomes that direct protein synthesis 
(4) Membranes that concentrate and localize key molecules 
All viruses have _______ and _______, while only some viruses have ________. - ANSWER nucleic acids and a capsid; an envelope 
A ________ is a complete, infectious virus particle. - ANSWER virion 
Naked capsids are ______ to drying...
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- • 10 pagina's •
The 4 things that viruses lack - ANSWER (1) Enzymes that produce basic chemical building blocks 
(2) Enzyme systems that generate usable energy 
(3) Enzymes/tRNAs/ribosomes that direct protein synthesis 
(4) Membranes that concentrate and localize key molecules 
All viruses have _______ and _______, while only some viruses have ________. - ANSWER nucleic acids and a capsid; an envelope 
A ________ is a complete, infectious virus particle. - ANSWER virion 
Naked capsids are ______ to drying...

GMS 401 Final exam Complete Questions and Solutions(GRADED A)
Production - ANSWER the creation of goods and services 
Operations Management - ANSWER Activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through the transformation of inputs to outputs 
Supply chain - ANSWER A global network of organizations and activities that supply a firm with goods and services 
Services - ANSWER Economic activities that typically produce an intangible product (such as education, entertainment, lodging, government
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- • 14 pagina's •
Production - ANSWER the creation of goods and services 
Operations Management - ANSWER Activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through the transformation of inputs to outputs 
Supply chain - ANSWER A global network of organizations and activities that supply a firm with goods and services 
Services - ANSWER Economic activities that typically produce an intangible product (such as education, entertainment, lodging, government

Talent - ANSWER Crucial foundation for organizational performance 
Intellectual capital - ANSWER the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce 
Competency - ANSWER personal talents/job related capabilities 
Commitment - ANSWER How hard you work to apply talents and capabilities
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- • 5 pagina's •
Talent - ANSWER Crucial foundation for organizational performance 
Intellectual capital - ANSWER the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce 
Competency - ANSWER personal talents/job related capabilities 
Commitment - ANSWER How hard you work to apply talents and capabilities

GMS 200 (Midterm)Correct Questions & Solutions
.) What is self- awareness? 
B.) Why is it important to management - ANSWER A.) Knowing yourself and how you . work as well as recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and how you are perceived 
B.) In order to be better managers, we need to understand ourselves in order to understand what management style we are best at. 
What is the Johari Window - ANSWER A method used for self- awareness that allows you to discover the things about yourself that you know and perhaps do not know. 
What ...
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- • 21 pagina's •
.) What is self- awareness? 
B.) Why is it important to management - ANSWER A.) Knowing yourself and how you . work as well as recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and how you are perceived 
B.) In order to be better managers, we need to understand ourselves in order to understand what management style we are best at. 
What is the Johari Window - ANSWER A method used for self- awareness that allows you to discover the things about yourself that you know and perhaps do not know. 
What ...

Georgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEAL
Georgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEAL
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- Georgia Pest Control Test Correct 100% • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Georgia Pest Control Registration Exam ACCURATE 100% • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Georgia Pest Licenses Exam|| 101 QUESTIONS|| CORRECT 100% • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Georgia pest control test Correct 100% • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
- Georgia Pesticide Exam Study Guide 100% • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
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Georgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEALGeorgia pest control test Correct 100%PACKAGE DEAL

Georgia Pesticide Applicators Exam COMPLETE QUESTIONS & ANSWERS(RATED A)
Ultra low volume - ANSWER A pesticide formulation that is almost 100% active ingredient. Often it is used in mosquito spraying programs. 
Brown Patch - ANSWER The most common disease of fescue grass. 
Emergency Exemption from Registration (Section 18) - ANSWER The new insect pest has suddenly appeared and is doing enormous damage to the peach crop. The problem is that there are no pesticides labeled to control it. However, one pesticide has been shown in experiments to control the insect pes...
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- • 10 pagina's •
Ultra low volume - ANSWER A pesticide formulation that is almost 100% active ingredient. Often it is used in mosquito spraying programs. 
Brown Patch - ANSWER The most common disease of fescue grass. 
Emergency Exemption from Registration (Section 18) - ANSWER The new insect pest has suddenly appeared and is doing enormous damage to the peach crop. The problem is that there are no pesticides labeled to control it. However, one pesticide has been shown in experiments to control the insect pes...

Georgia Pest Control Registration Exam CORRECT 100%
GSPCC - ANSWER Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission 
GDA - ANSWER Georgia Department of Agriculture 
FIFRA - ANSWER Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1947 
Regulate the registration and labeling of pesticides. 
Amended in 1972 to include classification systems for types of pesticides and created requirements for: 
-Certification of applicators authorized to apply pesticides 
-Safety of workers using pesticides
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- • 34 pagina's •
GSPCC - ANSWER Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission 
GDA - ANSWER Georgia Department of Agriculture 
FIFRA - ANSWER Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1947 
Regulate the registration and labeling of pesticides. 
Amended in 1972 to include classification systems for types of pesticides and created requirements for: 
-Certification of applicators authorized to apply pesticides 
-Safety of workers using pesticides

Seven - ANSWER How many members are there on the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commision? 
Three - ANSWER How many fixed members (state agencies) are there on the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission? 
Four - ANSWER How many members are appointed to the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission?
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- • 5 pagina's •
Seven - ANSWER How many members are there on the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commision? 
Three - ANSWER How many fixed members (state agencies) are there on the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission? 
Four - ANSWER How many members are appointed to the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission?

Georgia Pesticide Exam Study Guide 100%
Symptoms or signs may identify plant diseases, which of the following is a disease sign? 
a. Fungus growth on leaves 
b. Wilting 
C. Rotten Roots 
d. All of the Above - ANSWER A. Fungus on leaves 
Symptom- the reaction of the host plant to invasion by the parasite. I.E. Wilting 
Sign- physical evidence of a pathogen, such as visible growth of fungus spores 
Protecting groundwater from contamination is important because Georgia citizens depend on groundwater as the source for drinking wate...
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- • 22 pagina's •
Symptoms or signs may identify plant diseases, which of the following is a disease sign? 
a. Fungus growth on leaves 
b. Wilting 
C. Rotten Roots 
d. All of the Above - ANSWER A. Fungus on leaves 
Symptom- the reaction of the host plant to invasion by the parasite. I.E. Wilting 
Sign- physical evidence of a pathogen, such as visible growth of fungus spores 
Protecting groundwater from contamination is important because Georgia citizens depend on groundwater as the source for drinking wate...
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