Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper tomjansen97.
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Applied biostatistical modeling
This brief (samenvatting) is meant for TU/e students enrolled in the course 2DBM90 Applied Biostatistical Modelling. This brief is very complete, encompassing all lectures and slides as well as the relevant chapters in the recommended book "Learning statistics with jamovi". Brief is fully in English and is typeset beautifully in LaTeX and contains images and schemas. My grade: 8,0
- Samenvatting
- • 53 pagina's •
This brief (samenvatting) is meant for TU/e students enrolled in the course 2DBM90 Applied Biostatistical Modelling. This brief is very complete, encompassing all lectures and slides as well as the relevant chapters in the recommended book "Learning statistics with jamovi". Brief is fully in English and is typeset beautifully in LaTeX and contains images and schemas. My grade: 8,0
Applied biostatistical modeling