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Bio 348 Exam 1 Ultimate Study Guide quizzes

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Ribosomes - Makes proteins Integral proteins - Channeling/Transporting molecules across membrane Peripheral Proteins - Temporary involved in cell signaling. ION CHANNELS Passive transport - Movement of solute along concentration gradient; no ATP required. Active transport - Movement of solute against its concentration gradient; ATP required!! Osmosis - Diffusion of water from area of high concentration to low concentration. Does not require transport protein. Simple Diffusion -...

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BIO 348 Muscles study guide questions and answers

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tendon - cord of dense connective tissue that attaches a muscle to periosteum of bone hypertrophy - -enlaring exsisting muscle cells -how muscle growth occurs skeletal muscle - -attached to bones, skin of fascia -straited with light and dark bands -voluntary control of contraction and relaxation -multinucleated cardiac muscle - -straited -involuntary -single nucleus -Autorhythmic -found in walls of heart smooth muscle - -attached to hair follicles in skin -in walls o...

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Bio 348 Exam 2 Questions and Answers graded A

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Cell layers - ectoderm (skin and neural plate) Mesoderm (muscle, connective tissues, vascular system) Endoderm (gut tube, lungs, liver) Neurulation - Formation of the vertebrate nervous system, CNS is dervied from epithelial cells The three different vesicles - Proencephalon (turns into the retina), mesencephalon, rhombencephalon Inductive factors - signaling molecules secreted by cells that instruct neighboring cells to adopt specific fate Cell surface signaling - mediated by ce...

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Thrombocytopenia Exam 2024

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What is the definition of thrombocytopenia? - Platelet count < 150 x 10^9/L What lineage do platelets come from? - Myeloid What is platelet production controlled by? What is its action? Where is it produced? - TPO - stimulates final maturation and proliferation of megakaryoctes; produced in liver How long do platelets normally survive for? - 8.5-10 days; half life of 4 days What % of platelets are in a splenic pool? - 30% When is prophylactic platelet transfusion indicated? - P...

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Medical Terminology Online Course study set

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-itis - inflammation -osis - abnormal condition -ectomy - to cut out (remove) -otomy - to cut into -ostomy - to make a "mouth" a/an - without, none micro - small macro - large mega/-megaly - enlarged -scopy/-scopic - to look, observe -graphy/-graph - recording an image -gram - the image (X-ray) -ology/-ologist - study, specialize in stomato - mouth dento - teeth glosso/linguo - tongue gingivo - gums encephalo - brain gastro - stomach ent...

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AHA Exam 3 questions and answers

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5 parts of MSE - 1. appearance and behavior 2. speech and language 3. mood 4. thought and perceptions 5. cognitive functions Recall test - give patient 3 word and ask for recall 3-5 min later Orientation - person, place, time and situation CNI - olfactory (smell) CNII - optic (visual acuity) CNIII - oculomotor (pupillary reactions, EOMs) must be tested with CN2) CNIV - trochlear (eye movement) CNV - trigeminal (corneal reflexes, facial sensations, voice and speech) mus...

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Health assessment exam 3 flashcards: cardiac, pulm, neuro questions and answers

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Which side of the steth do listen to heart, lung, and bowel sounds? - Diaphragm (used for high sounds) Which side of steth do you listen with to hear murmurs? - Bell (low sounds) How would you grade carotids? - 0=absent 1+=weaker than normal 2+=normal 3+= increased 4+= bounding How do you take an ABI? - 1. Have patient lay down for 10 min 2. Check BP in both arms (use the higher reading) 3. Apply cuff over leg above the ankle 4. Palpate pulses (DP and PT) and apply doppler 5. In...

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Geriatrics study guide questions and answers

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Elder Abuse - any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Physical, Sexual, Neglect, Exploitation, Emotional, Abandonment, Self-Neglect - What are the 7 Types of elder abuse? Physical Abuse - inflicting physical pain or injury on a senior, e.g. slapping, bruising, or restraining by physical or chemical means. Sexual Abuse - non-consensual sexual contact of any kind Exploitation - the i...

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Anesthetics study guide questions and answers

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analgesia vs anesthesia - Analgesia = lack of pain Anesthesia = lack of sensation List of inhaled anesthetics - -haloth*ane* -isoflur*ane* -sevoflur*ane* -nitrous oxide (laughing gas) List of IV anesthetics - -barbiturates -benzos -propofol -etomidate -opioids -ketamine List of *Local anesthetics* - -*Esters*: procaine & tetracaine -*Amides*: lidocaine & bipuvicaine (don't need to know which are esters vs amides - know duration of axn instead) *Stages of anesthesia* - 1) Analgesi...

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Preterm labor Exam Questions and solutions 2024

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uterine contractions accompanied by cervical effacement and dilation before 37 weeks - preterm labor what 3 things are required to say preterm labor? - - uterine contractions - cervical effacement - dilation BEFORE 37 weeks! birth from 20-37 weeks - preterm birth birth from 34-37 weeks - late preterm birth possible etiologies of preterm birth? - HTN, diabetes, infertility tx, AMA risks for infant related to preterm birth include: - - resp. distress syndrome r/t hypoxia - cardi...

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  • geupload  27-06-2024
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