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Heart Failure Practice Questions and Answers 2024

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The heart undergoes cardiac remodeling during the initial phase of heart failure. Which cardiac geometric change occurs during heart failure? Ventricular constriction Ventricular wall thickening Ventricular atrophy Ventricles become more cylindric - Ventricular wall thickening An increase in ventricular wall thickness, also called ventricular hypertrophy, is characteristic of the remodeling process during the initial phase of heart failure. The ventricles also dilate and become mo...

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Package deal for Pharm 895 Safety & Prescriptive Authority study guide 2024

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Package deal for Pharm 895 Safety & Prescriptive Authority study guide 2024

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Augmentation and induction of labor Exam Questions and Answers

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What is labor augmentation? - Process of increasing the frequency and/or strength of ctx to bring a faster labor or faster birth What are the three methods of labor augmentation? - nipple stimulation AROM oxytocin Nipple stim - release of oxytocin via breast stim (resembling breastfeeding) pros: "natural oxytocin" , some self control What are some cons about nipple stim? - unpredictable, reports of tetanic ctx unrelieved by usual intrauterine resuscitation methods except terb...

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Yale Exam (Professional concepts and communication qtr 1) study guide 2024

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What is nursing? - Art, science, holistic, multidisciplinary What are the roles of a nurse? - Leader, manager, researcher, collaborator, delegator, change agent, care provider, educator and advocate What is Altruism? - Feelings/behaviors that show a desire to help other people and a lack of selfishness. What is the purpose of nursing licensure? - To protect the public What does QSEN stand for? - quality, safety, education for nurses Elements of the communication process (ricco saw...

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Pharm 895 Antiplatelet & Anticoagulant study guide

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Drugs that are monitored via PTT - -Heparin. -Angiomax: bivalirudin. -Argatroban. Drugs that are monitored via factor Xa - -LMWH. -Arixtra: fondaparinux. Drugs that are monitored via PT/INR - -Coumadin: warfarin. Asprin - -MOA: Antiplatelet, inhibits prostaglandin synthesis through irreversible COX inhibition. -AE: Dyspepsia, bleeding, asthma exacerbation, rare rash, hepatotoxicity (in OD), thrombocytopenia. -Reye's Syndrome. -Recommended in pts with unprovoked proximal DVT/PE wh...

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Respiratory System Study guide 2024

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Which mainstem bronchi is shorter, fatter and more direct? - Right What is the recommended cuff pressure and why? - Below 25 mmHg because if it is any higher, it will cut off tracheal capillary pressure and cause ischemia What are the 4 functions of the upper airway? - Conduct, warm, humidify and filter air What kinds of cells line the bronchi and release histamine during an antigen-antibody response? - Mast cells What area has the strongest cough reflex? - The carina What is the ...

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Pharm 895 Hypertension Exam Questions and 100%verified Answers

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Prehypertension - 120-139/80-89 Hypertension Stage I - 140-159/90-99 Hypertension Stage II - over 160/100 Goal blood pressure for patients over age 60 - less than 150/90 Goal blood pressure for patients under age 60 - less than 140/90 Goal blood pressure for all adults with CKD or DM regardless of age - less than 140/90 First line treatment for patients of all ages, nonblack, with or without DM - Thiazides, ACEi, ARB, CCB First line treatment for black patients with or witho...

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Pharm 895 Anticonvulsants Exam quizzes and verified solutions

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Epilepsy - Recurrent, unprovoked seizures Seizure types - Partial, which includes simple, complex, or partial that secondarily becomes generalized AND Generalized, which includes tonic-clonic, absence, tonic, atonic, and clonic/myoclonic Dilantin (Phenytoin) - Indicated for partial seizures and generalized tonic-clonic seizures MOA: Prolong inactivated state of Na channel, inhibit glutamate release, enhance GABA release Takes 5-7 days to get to steady state 90% protein bound...

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Pharm 895 Safety & Prescriptive Authority study guide 2024

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Pure Food & Drug Act 1906 - -Restricted manufacture & sale of drugs, outlawed misbranding and adulteration. Sherley Amendment 1912 - -Barred fraudulent therapeutic claims, but required to show intent to defraud to prosecute. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) 1938 - -Replaced Pure Food & Drug Act. -Removed requirement to demonstrate intent to defraud in drug misbranding cases. -Passed after a drug with antifreeze killed over 100 people. -Granted FDA authority to regulate food,...

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Pharm Exam 3 | Asthma, COPD, Allergic Rhinitis study guide

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Asthma Triggers - Environment, Respiratory Infection, Allergens, Emotions, Exercise, Drugs/Preservations, Occupational Stimuli, Other Goals for Therapy - Reduce Impairment: -prevent chronic and troublesome symptoms -prevent use of rescue meds (<2days/week) -maintain (near) normal pulmonary function and normal activity Reduce Risk: -prevent hospitalizations -prevent loss of lung function -provide optimal pharmacotherapy with minimal or no adverse effects of therapy Beta 2 Receptor...

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  • geupload  27-06-2024
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