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NLP Natural Language Processing, Top Exam Review. 100% Accurate, verified. 
Stemming - -finding and comparing roots of words 
Data types - -unstructured and structured 
structured Dataset - -fixed dimensions (fixed number of rows and columns), well organised, tabular data, key-value pairs 
unstructured Dataset - -no fixed dimensions, no structure, can take any forms, audios, videos, images and text can be unstructured data. Information presented in unstructured data is not available for ...
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Top Exam Questions and answers, verified. 
Artificial Intelligence - -A computer performing tasks that a human can do 
NLP Sentiment analysis is a form of... - -classification 
NLP topic modeling is a form of... - -Dimensionality reduction 
Tokenization - -Splitting raw text into small, indivisible units for processing. Units can be words, sentences, n-grams (n-word combos), other characters defined by regex 
Stop words - -Words that have very littl...
NLP practitioner, Top Exam Questions & Answers, 100% Accurate, Verified. 
Case Folding - -Uniformly changing the case of all text (all uppercase, all lowercase, etc.). Useful for word normalization and comparison but not for sentiment analysis, machine translation, and info extraction. 
Lemmitization - -Reduce inflections or variant forms to base form. (ex: am, are, is --> be). 
Morpheme - -The smallest meaningful unit that makes up a word. Includes "stems" and "affixes". 
NLP Practitioner Course, Top Exam Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, verified. 
List six presuppositions of NLP. - -1. People have a different model of the world to ours. 
2. People aren't their behaviours. 
3. The map is not the territory (that the way we perceive something isn't the way it really is). 
4. We are in charge of our minds and therefore our results. 
5. People have all the resources they need to change their thinking and their behavior to achieve their goals. 
6. Everythin...
NLP Top Exam Review, 100% Accurate answers. Verified. 
grammar - -set of rules that describes what's allowable in a language 
classical grammar - -meant for humans; cannot be programmed 
explicit grammars - -can be programmed and tested on texts and data 
phonology - -study of the sounds that make up words 
orthography - -study of the letters that make up (written) words 
syntax - -the way words are grouped together into larger constituents and the way these phrases can be ordered...
NLP Top Exam Questions and answers. 100% Accurate. Verified. 
Natural Language Processing (NLP) - -Increases availability of text 
Technical: UI, information retrieval, extraction 
Domain: Business-Google Advertising, Comp Sci: voice recognition 
Tools and Resources for NLP - -Like using Python NLTK 
Morphology - -Single words: made up of morphemes: stems + affixes 
Example test -> tests, testing 
Morpheme - -smallest meaning bearing unit 
Tokenizer - -Recognizes words, root words...