Exam - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Exam? On this page you'll find 437 study documents about Exam.
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LSO Licensing Exam Hack - Self Study notes - Public Law - 18 pages
- Summary • 18 pages • 2022
- CA$37.15
- 2x sold
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Welcome to the first of the two-part LSO Licensing Exam hack. 
The LSO Licensing Exam Hack (Barrister) series is a self-created, comprehensive, well-organised and neat summary and study notes containing all five subjects: 
- Professional Responsibility 
- Civil Litigation 
- Criminal Law 
- Family Law 
- Public Law 
The beginning of the notes each include a 100% PASS step-by-step guide - the exams are not difficult but you need to be well prepared. As long as you diligently follow wha...

Comprehensive Final Exam Notes for CNUR 102 - Foundations of Care I: A Developing Professional
- Summary • 25 pages • 2022
- CA$15.45
- 3x sold
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These are summarized, comprehensive notes from what was covered throughout CNUR 102 "Foundations of Care I: A Developing Professional" during the 2022/2023 academic year that was taught by Sarah Tekatch. I got an 87 on the midterm and a 90 on the final and these notes included all concepts that were tested on and I needed to know. These are typed but I also have a hand-written version available as well.

PMP in graphs, terms and formulas (logical explanation of everything you need to know for PMP 2024)
- Summary • 103 pages • 2024
- CA$15.49
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Consider this document your ultimate cheat sheet for project management. It consolidates key information from the PMBOK 6th and 7th editions, the PMI website, and a requisite course for exam eligibility. The document is meticulously structured and includes a comprehensive table of contents for effortless navigation. 
Moreover, it encompasses all the formulas mentioned throughout the books, including Earned Value Management (EVM) formulas, complete with explanations on how to interpret them. 

Detailed Assessment Notes for CNUR 203 OSCE (Fall 2023)
- Summary • 25 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- CA$14.33
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I created these notes based on the "CNUR 203/204 Systems Assessment Worksheet for 2022/2023." I omitted the CNUR 204 information to keep the notes more concise and relevant. The provided "Systems Assessment Checklist" only includes main points for each assessment, but does provide details about landmarking, what you are expecting to hear, etc. that must be verbalized for the OSCE. I found this document extremely helpful for both practicing and the OSCE. This is the only document I used to study ...

Grade 12 Biology - Ontario - McGraw-Hill Ryerson Biology Textbook - Summarized Notes & Study Sheets of the Entire Course - Senior Year (Entire Course)
- Package deal • 35 items • 2023
- CA$15.60
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This package contains the full notes, summaries, and easy-to-understand lesson sheets alongside exam review study sheets of Grade 12 Biology. Covering content from in-course studies and the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Textbook, a standard in all Canadian high-school biology courses. Including all lessons covered in Grade 12 Biology and core concepts.

SNC2D Gr.10 Biology Final Exam Notes. Includes detailed diagrams and descriptions of each unit.

CNUR 107 Detailed System Assessments with Step-by-Step Guidance (for OSCE or Final Exam)
- Summary • 33 pages • 2023
- CA$15.45
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This document contains detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each system assessment covered in CNUR 107. The outline for this document came from the provided System Assessment Worksheet when I took the class. That sheet contains all expectations for what you need to say, do, and know for the CNUR 107 OSCE. I used that document as a framework to create this document that includes all key points to remember, steps, normal findings, abnormal findings, patient positioning and more. ...

Detailed Summary of CNUR 203 Testable OSCE Pathophysiologies (Fall 2023)
- Summary • 8 pages • 2024
- CA$14.33
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This document provides detailed, clearly laid out pathophysiologies for the CNUR 203 OSCE. Each disease process covered in the lab, which is testable for the OSCE, is included. Each pathophysiology map fits onto one standard sized page, so that all of the information is easy together and readable for each patho. This is the only document I used to study for the written portion of the CNUR 203 OSCE (I got an 82%). Each patho map includes: pathophysiology, etiology, anatomy & physiology changes, ...

- Summary • 30 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- CA$14.11
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PHIL 210 Critical Thinking Lecture notes, Final Exam Review (Preparation notes for the final, mainly definitions as well as examples depending on the topic/material. This includes Chapters 1-8) (Concordia University) 2023
- Summary • 16 pages • 2023
- CA$14.85
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PHIL 210 Critical Thinking Lecture notes, Final Exam Review (Preparation notes for the final, mainly definitions as well as examples depending on the topic/material. This includes Chapters 1-8) (Concordia University) 2023

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