Classical liberalism (+neo-liberalism) Modern liberalism
Human Egotistical / atomistic individualism: we are JS Mill laid foundations of developmental
Nature innately rational beings that pursue things out of individualism: Humans have the potential to achieve
self-reliance and self-interestedness, we are and develop self-reliance and self-sufficiency, but it has
responsible for only ourselves to be developed by liberal authorities, it is not innate.
Differ mainly in
the way that
human Rationalism: human beings are innately rational Life is all about intellectual self-development,
flourishing is creatures, acting through reasoning rather than development of one’s full potential and sensibilities
achieved- through empiricism not just about the pursuit of pleasures through
negative / negative freedom, in order to be truly free.
positive Locke prescribes that we all have the natural rights
of ‘Life, liberty and property’ which are god given. TH Green says that humans are driven by individualism
and rationality, but also, altruism – we want to do
Agree on Stress on: things that contribute to the common good, reconciling
freedom and
-negative freedom, freedom from state constraints freedom with equality and a sense of community
equality, and
individualism to fulfil pleasures
-Mary Wollstonecraft prescribes that we all need TH Green and Isiah Berlin describe positive Freedom
foundational equality: equality in the eyes of law means people having the ability / enabled (i.e. through
through equal application of rule of law. education and enabling state) to achieve their full
Freedom from constraint in order to achieve full potential and full flourishing of their capacities –
human potential/flourishing from the pursuit of freedom from state coercion does not guarantee real
individual pleasures, desires and goals, free from liberty
state coercion
Freedom to fully flourish as an individual, considering
Neo-liberals i.e. Hayek also agree on minimal state some may only have the freedom to starve, as was the
and negative freedom, discouraging a ‘dependency case in industrial revolution, no equal opportunity
culture’, focusing on individualism,
entrepreneurialism, self-interest and competition
Society Neo-liberals and classical = atomism and egoism: TH Green prescribed that people were not atomistic
society is built around atomistic, self-sufficient individuals, rather, there is a sense of intrinsic social
Differ on individuals that are separate from one another, responsibility within us, altruism
equality in with a social responsibility to look after themselves.
society and Some say there is no such thing as society, just Johns Rawls says we are independent as well as
social atomistic individuals acting out of self-interest interdependent, achieving self-fulfilment through
responsibility pursuit of our happiness, but also, through altruistic
in terms of Civil society is important as it is the ‘realm of motivation and concern for others
individualism freedom’ whereas the state is the ‘realm of
coercion’. Instead of a welfare state, civil society is John Rawls says that industrial and urban societies are
Agree on
created to help each other (equal opportunity), where individuals are less autonomous and require
freedom and
self-interest pursuing a collective goal through consent to it, state support to be truly free (positive liberty)
and rather than through state coercive taxation.
individualism There is a need for positive freedom and equality of
as a whole Negative freedom and foundational / formal opportunity as demonstrated by Rawls’ ‘veil of
equality, rule of law: flourishing. ignorance’ experiment, individuals want to live in a
society with healthcare and education.
Equality of opportunity (not ‘enforced’ like
foundational equality) is achieved through free Rawlsian social justice prescribes the difference
market capitalism, we benefit from social principle suggesting idea of individual liberty and
inequality as unlike individuals with differing talents inequality can coexist as long as the poorest society
should earn differently and inequality creates are not worse off, Inequality is justified if it helps all in
incentive in society and competitiveness, society- (inequality will never stop, but aiming to lessen
encouraging economic growth it) This is social liberalism, all about fairness as justice
Meritocracy is key, equal opportunity to develop Neo-liberals blame modern liberals for pursuing a
unequal talents. ‘dependency culture’ through positive liberty