Aim B (P3.P4.P5.M3.D2)
Caring for Children and Young People
Responding to suspected abuse and maltreatment
P3: factors that would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse
Physical Definitions of abuse / Example of Impact on the Sign of
maltreatment abuse/ child/Maltreatment abuse/Maltreatment
This can be an intentional Hitting, Punching, Children who have been Bruising, Burns,
act that causes injury to Slapping, Kicking, physically abuse may Unexplained injury,
another individual by way Biting still feel the impact long Soreness, Infections,
of bodily contact. after the wound have Underweight, Poor
healed. Being physically personal hygiene.
abuse in any way can
lead to poor physical or
mental wellbeing later
on in life include
depressive disorder,
eating disorder or
childhood behavioural
and conduct disorders.
Other long-term effects
include criminal
behaviour, drug and
alcohol problems and
not doing as well in
Emotional A individual subjecting Swearing, Child may have Use of language older f
another to behaviour that Constant extremely low self- their age, Information
may results in shouting, esteem and involve into things a child their age
psychological trauma. insulting, name further shouldn’t know,
calling, abusive situation in Disconnected from
overwhelming their adulthood they parents, Need of socia
adult, threating may not reach their full skills, Very few friends
behaviour. potential as
they may have been
belittled making them
feel unable to
require on parts and
responsibilities copper
occasionally abused
individual may become
abuser and formulation
ships base on their own
background and some
individuals self-harm
and will require
professional help to
, come to term with their
Sexual Not wanted sexual Rape, Kissing, Sexual abuse can ruin Inappropriate touching
behaviour by one person Touching, childhood and effect of Inappropriate language
upon another. It is often Unwanted sexual it can last a lifetime, Inappropriate sexual
commit using force or by images children who sexually advances,
taking advantage of abused experience a Looking at children in a
another. range of short- and inappropriate way,
long-term side effect. Showing children sexua
Example- individual picture.
could begin to self-harm
as they may think it is
their blame, they could
have a sexually
transmitted disease that
could potentially final a
lifetime and affect
future relationship and
they could possibly
never move on
from injury that it has
Intellectual This happen when a child’s Name calling, They Not needing to voice
cognitive development Racism, Bullying, may discover it difficult opinions,
suffer. When child is Sexism, Labelling, to concentrate on Withdrawn, Low self-
abused in other way they Not enough or cognitive exercises, they esteem and Have to be
may not be able to think or too much may drop behind compelled to bring oth
function properly. stimulation their anticipated level at down.
school as the
brain improvement may
be influenced and the
child's needs of
thought may change sig
Neglect A shortage in meeting child Not clothing a Children who do not get Inappropriate clothing
’s essential need including child, Not giving the love and care Dirty/smelly, Unkept
failure to give suitable them enough they require from their appearance,
health care, supervision, food, parents may discover it Underweight, continuo
clothing, nutrition Not showering th difficult to maintain hungry, Skin irritations
and housing. em, Not letting healthy relationship Withdrawn, Isolated an
them go out with with other people later Low self-esteem
their friends and on in life. they are more
Calling them by likely to experience
name. mental health problem
including depression
and PTSD
and youthful people
may moreover take
risks such as running
away from domestic or