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James Napier • ISBN 9781780731001
John Campton • ISBN 9781471863028
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John Campton • ISBN 9781471863059
Russell Rees • ISBN 9781780731230
William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare • ISBN 9781586638535
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Anne Hughes • ISBN 9781780731117
Alyn G. Mcfarland • ISBN 9781510448018
Cgp Books • ISBN 9781782947233
Latest notes & summaries CCEA
This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of ethnic diversity. It includes subtopics such as ethnic groups, ethnicity, race, nationality, language, religion, perceived ethnic and social identity, role, residential concentration, age, gender, location quotient, chi- squared test, processes creating ethnic diversity, colonisation, annexation, international migration, case study on Jamaica, processes maintaining ethnic diversity, segregation, multiculturalism, case study on...
This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of tourism. It includes subtopics such as growth of international tourism, reasons for growth, global patterns of tourism, impacts of tourism, pleasure periphery, Butler model, challenges and management of mass tourism, pollution, overcrowding, honeypot sites, social sustainability, competition for resources, case study on Mallorca, characteristics of ecotourism, impacts of ecotourism, case study on Montverde Cloud forest resort,...
This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of coasts. It includes subtopics such as coastal zone, swell, sea, fetch, how do waves break on the shore, constructive and destructive waves, beach morphology, wave refraction, tides, erosional processes, transport, longshore drift, coastal landforms, eustatic change, isostatic change, emergent and submergent landforms, threat of rising sea levels due to climate change, impacts e.g. Nile delta, case stuy on Kiribati, reasons for...
This resource is a full set of revision notes on the CCEA A2 topic of plates and tectonic theory. It includes subtopics such as the theory of plate tectonics, composition of earth, evidence for movement of plates, causes of seafloor spreading and subduction, types of plate margins, landforms, hotspots, volcano distribution and activity, hazards and benefits of volcanic activity, preparation and monitoring, response and effects, case study on Pinatubo volcano in Philippines, seismic activity, imp...
A well written insight to the Northern Ireland Assembly which I'd one chapter of CCEA AS POLITICS