PEARSON (PEARSON) • Health and Social Care 2016 NQF
Latest uploads for Health and Social Care 2016 NQF at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for Health and Social Care 2016 NQF notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Health and Social Care 2016 NQF at PEARSON (PEARSON).
Modules Health and Social Care 2016 NQF at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Notes available for the following courses of Health and Social Care 2016 NQF at PEARSON (PEARSON)
- Unit 1 - Human Lifespan Development HSC02 34
- Unit 10 - Caring for Children and Young People 3
- Unit 10 - caring for children and younger people Unit 10 Caring for children and younger people 2
- Unit 10 - Sociological Perspectives Unit 10 88
- Unit 11 - Psychological Perspectives psychology 60
- Unit 12 - Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Unit12 82
- Unit 12 Supporting individuals with additional needs 1
- Unit 14 - Physiological Disorders and their Care PSYC101 72
- Unit 14 Task 2 Learning aim D 1
- Unit 17 - Caring for Individuals with Dementia PSYC101 57
- Unit 18 - Assessing Children's Development Support Needs 8
- Unit 19 - Nutritional Health Pearson 58
- Unit 2 - Working in Health and Social Care 32
- Unit 20 - Mental Health and Wellbeing 1
- Unit 20 - Understanding Mental Wellbeing 22
- Unit 20- understanding mental health assignment 1 1
- Unit 22 - Genetics 7
- Unit 24 - Biochemistry for Health 2
- Unit 25 - Complementary Therapies for Health and Social Care 7
- Unit 26 - Health Psychology 9
- Unit 3 - Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care 32
- Unit 3 - Health, safety and security in health and social care 1
- Unit 4 - Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care 37773 15
- Unit 5 - Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs PSYC101 256
- Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs 1
- Unit 6 - Work Experience in Health and Social Care HCCY 26
- Unit 7 - principals of safe practice in health and social care assignment 2 distinction grade 1
- Unit 7 - Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care Unit 7 134
- Unit 8 - Promoting Public Health L3-DHSC-QU 98
- Unit 8 - Psychological Perspectives 1
- Unit 9 - Infection Prevention and Control 29
Popular books PEARSON (PEARSON) • Health and Social Care 2016 NQF
Beryl Stretch • ISBN 9781846907470
Marilyn Billingham, Pamela Davenport • ISBN 9781292126012
Laura Asbridge • ISBN 9781846905582
Elizabeth Rasheed, Alison Hetherington • ISBN 9780340971574
Elizabeth Rasheed, Jo Irvine • ISBN 9781444115529
Georgina Shaw, James O\'Leary • ISBN 9781292150314
John Launer • ISBN 9781138714359
Brenda Baker, James Oleary • ISBN 9781292150321
Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • Health and Social Care 2016 NQF
This is the full piece of coursework for unit 7. It is linked to the case studies of Chichester drop in centre (Zara) and Zebra Ward (Lucy and Kevin). I received D* in health and social care and my work has been checked by teachers.
I wrote this essay for my health and social care BTEC course at college and received a distinction*. I cover all the areas needed to achieve top grades. In my coursework, I have used Rheumatoid Arthritis & Parkinson's disease. 
P1, P2, P3, P4 
M1, M2, M3 
D1 , D2
This was my final piece of coursework for BTEC health and social care which I received a distinction* in. It consists of a case study and a big table c0vering healthcare/support needs (P5), healthcare/support approaches (P6), & recommendations for future actions (M4). This is then summarised below to cover P7 & D3.
This assignment achieved a distinction grade. It includes a care plan for individuals with Parkinson's disease and a case study. 
INCLUDE the following: 
This assignment has achieved a Distinction grade. unit 14 task 1 includes: learning aims A, B and C for both diseases ( Parkinson, and diabetes type 1) 
No return on this assignment
Unit 19 Task 2 - Nutritional Health, was awarded distinction.
Unit 19 - Nutritional Health, was awarded distinction.
Unit 10 Task 2 - Sociological Perspectives, was awarded distinction.
Unit 10 - Sociological Perspectives, was awarded distinction.
This is a 2nd year assignment for unit 8: promoting public health. This is the first assignment covering learning aims A & B 
Any data or demographics referred to is either England or the South West/Devon as this was relevant for me. 
I received a Distinction grade for this assignment.