Solihull College
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Courses at Solihull College
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Latest content Solihull College
This is a knowledge organiser for element 1
Notes made based on: CGP AS and A2 OCR Chemistry textbook OCR AS Chemistry Student Book OCR Specification Basically a condensed version of all of these cutting out the BS that's not needed; learn these by heart and do some past papers and that grade A/B is yours. I used these for the July 2015 Chemistry exam and the paper was a breeze. I am a predicted A grade student so I know what I'm talking about. This can also be relevant to other exam boards as they all cross over. This is a pdf file;...
Notes made based on: CGP AS and A2 OCR Biology textbook OCR AS Biology Student Book OCR Specification Basically a condensed version of all of these cutting out the BS that's not needed; learn these by heart and do some past papers and that grade A/B is yours. I used these for the July 2015 Biology exam and the paper was a breeze. I am a predicted A grade student so I know what I'm talking about. This can also be relevant to other exam boards as they all cross over. This is a word document ...
Easy to read notes which include AO1, AO2 and AO3 points to help you buils the perfect 12 mark essay and be well on your way to achieving a high grade.
easy to read revision notes which include AO1, AO2 and AO3 points to create the perfect 12 mark answer. it provides simple points to help you achieve a high grade.