FREE Edexcel Geography A Level Revision Notes
Hi everyone!
These are all revision notes I wrote myself and used to revise for my Geography A Level exams - I got an A overall using just these notes and now I want to share them with you all. When I first uploaded my notes to Stuvia I charged for them because I was a poor uni student and needed some extra income. However, I am now in a better place thankfully and I want to now make these freely available to everyone.
Enjoy, and feel free to message me :)
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FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 6 - The Carbon Cycle and Energy Insecurity
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes, 41 pages long that cover all parts of the carbon cycle section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. Includes all relevant contextual links to the water cycle (topic 5) as well as all relevant case studies for further context. 

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your ...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 41 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes, 41 pages long that cover all parts of the carbon cycle section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. Includes all relevant contextual links to the water cycle (topic 5) as well as all relevant case studies for further context. 

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your ...
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 5 - The Water Cycle And Water Insecurity
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes, 42 pages long, that cover all parts of the Water Cycle section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. It includes all relevant contextual links to the Carbon Cycle (topic 6) and our current geopolitical climate, as well as all case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 42 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes, 42 pages long, that cover all parts of the Water Cycle section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. It includes all relevant contextual links to the Carbon Cycle (topic 6) and our current geopolitical climate, as well as all case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to...
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes that are 28 pages long and cover all parts of the Diverse Places section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. Includes the local vs contrasting place comparison I used in my exam as well as relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with ...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 28 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes that are 28 pages long and cover all parts of the Diverse Places section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification. Includes the local vs contrasting place comparison I used in my exam as well as relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with ...
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes that are 26 pages long and cover all parts of the Globalisation section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, including in-depth explanation of key concepts and relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 26 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes that are 26 pages long and cover all parts of the Globalisation section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, including in-depth explanation of key concepts and relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 2B - Coastal Landscapes and Change
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes - 20 pages long - that includes all definitions and covers all parts of the Coasts section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, as well as relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 20 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes - 20 pages long - that includes all definitions and covers all parts of the Coasts section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, as well as relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 1 - Tectonic Processes and Hazards
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes - 35 pages long - covering all parts of the Tectonics section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, including relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Study guide
- • 35 pages •
NOTE: I GOT AN A IN THIS EXAM USING ONLY THESE NOTES!! A detailed and concise set of notes - 35 pages long - covering all parts of the Tectonics section of the Edexcel Geography 2016 specification, including relevant case studies for further context.

I have made it free because I am no longer a poor uni student and I don't need the extra income - so I'd like to make it freely available to everyone to help you with your revision :)
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 5 - The Water Cycle And Water Insecurity
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 5 - The Water Cycle And Water Insecurity
FREE! EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL TOPIC 2B - Coastal Landscapes and Change