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Nieuwste samenvattingen van Neuroscience
Adaptive brain chapter 23
- Samenvatting • 5 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lecture and the book neuroscience purves about chapter 23 “Neuronal networks”.
Adaptive brain chapter 22
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lectures and book Purves Neuroscience, about chapter 22 “Early brain development”.
Adaptive brain chapter 25
- Samenvatting • 2 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lectures and book Purves Neuroscience, about chapter 25 “Modification of neuronal circuits”.
Schrijf jij zelf ook samenvattingen? Bied deze dan te koop aan en verdien per keer dat je document wordt gekocht.
Adaptive Brain (AB_1050) Notes
- College aantekeningen • 53 pagina's • 2022
- €10,99
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Notes on all the lectures of the Adaptive Brain course. It takes place in the Biomolecular science minor - Neuroscience track
Adaptive Brain chapter 8 synaptic plasticity
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lecture and book about synaptic plasticity from the course The Adaptive Brain, chapter 8 purves.
Adaptive brain chapter 6 neurotransmitters
- Samenvatting • 5 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lecture 4 and book of the course the adaptive brain. This summary is about chapter 6 in the book Neuroscience by Purves.
Adaptive brain chapter 7 molecular signalling within neurons
- Samenvatting • 4 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lecture 5 and book of the course the adaptive brain. This summary is about chapter 7 in the book Neuroscience by Purves.
Adaptive Brain Synaptic Transmission Chapter 5
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of lecture 3 of the course The Adaptive Brain, which is about chapter 5 from the book Purves.
Adaptive brain chapter 2-4
- Samenvatting • 3 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the lectures of chapter 2-4 of the course The Adaptive Brain.
Adaptive Brain Chapter 1
- Samenvatting • 5 pagina's • 2022
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This document contains a summary of the course The Adaptive Brain chapter 1 in Purves.
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