Week 1 Sustainability, Non communicable diseases related to nutrition and Malnutrition .................... 2
Week 2 Nutrition in Various Cultures and Global Nutrition (Health and Nutrition in developing en
developed countries) World Food Programme (WFP) ........................................................................... 18
Week 2 Journal Club Journal Club part 1 ............................................................................................... 34
Week 3 Overweight & obesity, nutrition & lifestyle .............................................................................. 41
Week 3 Journal club part 2 .................................................................................................................... 52
Week 4 Nutrition for Specific Groups (birth to death) (part 1) .............................................................. 58
Week 4 Developmental psychology (part 1) .......................................................................................... 71
,Week 1 Sustainability, Non communicable diseases related to
nutrition and Malnutrition
- Inzicht 2 MC
- Toepassen 1 MC
Understand and explain the WHO Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Begrijp en les de WHO-doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling uit
Defining Sustainable healthy diets (duurzame gezonde voeding definiëren)
➔ New definition WHO/FAO 2019
‘Sustainable Healthy Diets are diatary patterns that promote all dimensions of individuals’ health and
wellbeing: have low environmental pressure and impact: are accessible, affordable, safe and
equitable; and are culturally acceptable.
➔ And support the preservation of biodiversity and planetary health
(Duurzame gezonde diëten zijn dagelijkse patronen die alle aspecten van de gezondheid en het welzijn
van individuen bevorderen: hebben een lage milieudruk en impact: zijn toegankelijk, betaalbaar, veilig
en rechtvaardig: en zijn cultureel aanvaardbaar en ondersteunen het behoud van biodiversiteit en
planetaire gezondheid)
Nearly all the countries in the world have promised to improve the planet and the lives of its citizens
(burgers) by 2030
Bijna alle landen ter wereld hebben de planeet en het leven van haar burgers tegen 2030 te
➔ They’ve committed themselves to 17 life-changing goals outlinted by the UN in 2015
o These global goals, als known als Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) (duurzame
ontwikkelingsdoelen) include ending extreme proverty (armoede), giving people
better healthcare, and achieving equality for women
➔ The aim (het doel) for all countries to work together to ensure no one is left behind
➔ The United Nations had set 17 goals to thake his promise a reality
1. No poverty (armoede)
➔ The end poverty, everyone should have basic healthcare, security and education
2. Zero hunger
➔ Globally, one in nine people are undernourished (ondervoed), this goal aims to end hunger
,3. Good health and well-being
➔ Ensuring people live healthy live scan cut child mortality (kindersterfte) and raise life
(levensverwachting) expectancy (verhoogd)
4. Education
➔ The UN wants everyone to have access to inclusive, equitable quality education
5. Gender equality
➔ Gender equality is a human right, and is vital for a peaceful, prosperous (welvarend) world
6. Clean water and sanitation
➔ Clean water protects people from disease, yet three in 10 people lack (heeft gebrek) access
(toegang) to it
7. Clean energy
➔ Targets for 2030 include using more renwable (hernieuwbaar), affordable energy
8. Economic growth
➔ The aims is for sustainable economic growth and decent employment for all (het doel is
duurzame economische groei en fatsoenlijke werkgelegenheid voor iedereen)
9. Industry and infrastrucute
➔ This involves building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation (dit omvat het bouwen
van veerkrachtige infrastructuur en het stimuleren van innovatie)
10. No inequality
➔ The poorest 40 per cent (procent) of the population (bevolking) should be able to grow their
income faster then average (gemiddelde)
11. Sustainability
➔ The UN wants to increase (toenemen) affordable housing and make settlement inclusive, safe
and sustainable
12. Responsible consumption
➔ This goal aims to foster (bevorderen) ecofriendly production, reduce water and boost
13. Climate action (klimaatactie)
➔ Urgent action is needed, by regulating emissions and promoting renwable energy (er is
dringend actie nodig door de uitstoot te reguleren en hernieuwbare energie te bevorderen)
14. Life underwater
➔ The aim is to conserve (behouden) and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine
15. Life on land
➔ To stop degradation, we must preserve forest, desert and mountain ecosystems (om
achteruitgang te stoppen, moeten we bos, woestijn en bergecosystemen in stand houden)
16. Preace & justice
➔ The aim is inclusive societies with strong institutions that provide juistice for all (het doel is
inclusieve samenlevingen met sterke instellingen die voor iedereen gerechtigheid bieden)
17. Partnership
➔ If all countries are to achieve the goals, international cooperation is vital (vitaal)
, Recognise the relationship between climate change and health and the associated themes and trends.
Herken de relatie tussen klimaatverandering en gezondheid en de bijbehorende thema’s en trends
Climate change can affect public health
➔ In certain circumstances, the consequences could be significant
o Heatwaces, which are marked by a higher incidence of disease and increased
mortality, may becoma frequent
The potential effects of climate change include floods, heat stress and the spread of waterborne and
vector-borne diseases (water- en vectoroverdraagbare ziekten) → all have societal and economic
impact (economische en maatschappelijke impact)