The future for the subsector;
Bungalow parks
Dorien van der Weij | 191571
Breda University of Applied Sciences
International Tourism Management | 2020-2021
Breda, The Netherlands
, Essay
Recreation and hospitality is a sector within the tourism industry. This sector exists out of
subsectors. Examples of those subsectors are: campsites, hotels, bungalow parks, theme-
parks, water sports and zoos. I have focused on the subsector bungalow parks. The bungalow
parks sector is a very dynamic sector. Entrepreneurs and employees who work in this sector
often say that “every day is different, which makes this work so nice but also very challenging’.
In this sector you are faced with many challenges that arise from both internal and external
factors. I conducted extensive research to conclude whether this subsector has a future or not.
You will read my conclusion at the end of this essay.
Leisure, tourism and recreation
Leisure can be fulfilled in many ways, tourism is an important part of these leisure activities.
Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation,
relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. (Britannica,
Recreation is very important for the Dutch civilization. Everyone wants to use their spare time
as optimally as possible. First you have to think about what is important to you and you than
have to make it a priority. A holiday has become a necessity of life, on which more and more
money is being spent. The recreation and hospitality industry is therefore an important part of
the economy. (Hotrec, 2020)
Last year, for example, the Dutch together spent 2.7 billion euros on matters such as holidays,
day trips and catering. In total, this involved 51.9 billion euros. This also includes holiday
expenses for, for example, accommodations and transport made by Dutch companies.
Spending by foreign inbound tourism increased even more. (Nieuws, 2019)
Domestic and foreign inbound tourism
The Dutch go on holiday more often each year. An average vacationer went out three times a
year and stayed away for over eight nights each time. So, the summer season is not the only
holiday period in the year anymore. (Metro, 2020)
The foreign inbound tourism has grown significantly in the past ten years. The number of
foreign tourists who stayed here for a holiday in 2019 increased by seven percent compared
to 2018. The number of visitors from Germany, Great Britain and France are showing relatively
high growth rates. Compared to 2019, the Netherlands is expected to receive more than 14
million fewer foreign guests, which is a decrease of -71%. These numbers are nearly equal to
the level of the early 1990s. (NBTC, 2020) But the foreign visitors who do come to our country
this year will mainly be Germans. Germans, but also Belgians, visit our Dutch holiday parks
above average, especially on the coast.
Many bungalow parks can respond to this fact. The statistic that Dutch bungalow parks attract
many Germans and Belgians also means that this target group conducts online research.
However, not all websites offer their information in German and/or French. Often only in Dutch
and English. Many entrepreneurs can still take a chance here.
A growing market
The market is growing nationally and internationally and the range of products and services is
increasingly getting wider. Guests are no longer just looking for a bed and a swimming pool.
But they want to be surprised more and more. They are looking for a special adventure or a lot
of luxury. A place where they feel at home. Not a typical holiday, but a special experience to
take home. Every entrepreneur who is unable to continuously invest in his or her organisation