Week 1
Werkgroep 1
EI consists of four components
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-management
3. Social awareness
4. Relationship management
1) What is emotional intelligence? It consists of four components: self-awareness, self-
management, social awareness and relationship management.
In het artikel zeggen ze drie manieren om het te meten:
-Ability-based models that use objective test items
-Self report / peer-report measures based on the four-branch model (perceiving emotions, using
emotions to face thought, understanding emotions, managing emotions)
-‘mixed models’ of emotional competencies.
X; onafhankelijk
Y; afhankelijk
EI werkprestatie is een positieve correlatie
3 criteria waarmee je interne validiteit kunt aantonen; EXPERIMENT
1. Temperol precedenten
2. Cooperation
3. Geen alternatieve verklaringen (isolatie)
Verwachting van EI en job performance is positief gecorreleerd.
In the article they categorized different personalities (big 5 traits)
Openness to experience
How can we measure this big five traits we can use an vragenlijst
Correlatie zit altijd tussen de -1 en +1 ,
een kleine correlatie is ongeveer = -0,10
medium = 0,30
hoog = 0,50
2) Research; primary studies are limited in terms of internal validity, consent validity , external
validity and conclusion validity.
Meta-analysis: Averaging the correlation coefficients of several studies while taking sample size
into account. Most trustworthy of studies, why? Takes average out of limitations of primary
studies included.
B (beta) coefficient als X stijgt dan verandert Y met 0,64444
, R^2 = hoeveel van de variantie van de job performance (Y) wordt verklaard door (X) het model
alle onafhankelijke variabel.
Validity ; conclusion internal construct external validity.
Voor n nadeel meta-analyse
Pro’s: meerdere onderzoeken worden samen geanalyseerd, external validiteit wordt verhoogd
(niet persee validiteit increases want internale valitieit neemt niet toe)
Con’s: alleen bestaande informatie en niet naar nieuwe, publication bias.
Verschillen EI en big 5
-EI kan je aanleren (vaardigheid) , big 5 is stabiel gaat over persoonlijkheid (nature/nurture)
-EI is een maatstaaf, bepaalde score, big 5 kan je meer afstrepen zoals introvert en extrovert
-EI hoge score is positief, hoge score is mogelijk negatief of positief
-EI ontwikkelt uit theorie, big 5 ontwikkelt uit bottom-up
Lecture 2
What characterizes the scientific mindset?
Research is about producing new and valid knowledge
How do we know which knowledge to trust?
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
‘Cotigo ergo sum’
‘’I doubt therefore I am”
Truth is out of place, we do not know anything for certain.
-Empirical (Testing vs generation of theory)
-Public, research ought to be shared, available to anyone
-Cumulative, doubt research and renew research
-Critical of itself,
Business and management research
-Double hurdle (theoretical and practical impact)
-Science- practice gap/ transnational research
-Evidence Based Management
Summing it all up
-Researchers systematically question or doubt things to improve outcome
-Learning about research methods is akin to learn a new language
-Research is purposeful, systematic, empirical, public, cumulative and critical of itself
-Research often produces or test theory -> a set of expectations about nature of reality
-Business and management research is transdisciplinary
The structure of Research hourglass model , 90% or more of studies has this structure
Begin with broad questions