Management and Organisation
Lecture 1: Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 2
The five-factor model of personality and managerial performance ................................................................... 2
Lecture 2: Leadership and motivation .............................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 7 Motivation concepts ........................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 8: Motivation: From concepts to applications..................................................................................... 10
Lecture 3: Joris Hekelaar - Aegon ................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 9: Foundations of group behavior ....................................................................................................... 11
Lecture 4: Teams and cooperation ................................................................................................................. 15
Interactive effects of levels of individualism-collectivism on cooperation (Marcus & Le, 2013) ...................... 17
Lecture 5: Team and effectiveness ................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 10: Understanding workteams............................................................................................................ 22
Lecture 6: How to design a team? .................................................................................................................. 24
The effectiveness of teams in organizations (Richter et al., 2011) ................................................................... 24
Lecture 7: Values? Who needs them?............................................................................................................. 25
Chapter 16: Organizational culture .................................................................................................................. 29
Lecture 8: David Baronnon – HTH ................................................................................................................... 29
Consequences of individuals’ fit at work (Kristof-Brown et al., 2005) .............................................................. 29
Lecture 9: Taeco Tol en Iris Massop – Berenschot .......................................................................................... 30
Organizational design: Fit between structure and coordination (Burton & Obel, 2018) .................................. 30
Lecture 10: Organizational structure and design ............................................................................................ 31
Chapter 15 – Organizational structure and design ........................................................................................... 31
Lecture 11: Changes in de world, changes in organization .............................................................................. 38
Self-managing team performance: A systematic review of multilevel input factors (Magpili & Pazos, 2018) . 39
Resistance to organizational change: Linking research and practice. (Erwin & German, 2009) ...................... 41
Lecture 12: Schouten en Nelissen ................................................................................................................... 42
Assignment 1: video on managers 10% → group
Assignment 2: report on organizational problem 20% → group March 25
Written exam: 40 MC and 3 open questions 70%
,Lecture 1: Introduction
Oh, I.-S., & Berry, C. M. (2009). The five-factor model of personality and managerial performance:
Validity gains through the use of 360-degree performance ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94,
Additional reading:
Hoffman, R. C., Shipper, F. M., Davy, J. A., & Rotondo, D. M. (2014). A cross-cultural study of
managerial skills and effectiveness. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 22, 372–398.
What do we focus on?
- Focus on individual: functions of motivation
- Focus on each level and how they impact other levels
- Focus on organisation and organisational change
Topics per week
➢ Book organisational behaviour
Manager: day to day things
Leader: long term
The five-factor model of personality and managerial performance
This study investigated the usefulness of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality in predicting two
aspects of managerial performance (task vs. contextual) assessed by utilizing the 360 degree
performance rating system. Overall, this study contributes to the evidence that personality may be
even more useful in predicting managerial performance if the performance criteria are less deficient.
Managerial performance
- Managerial task performance = Managerial task performance includes behaviors focused on
structuring work and getting things done → getting ahead motive
- Managerial contextual performance = includes behaviors focused on facilitating the
psychological and social contexts of work and getting along with others → getting along
- 360 degrees performance ratings = performance rating by multiple individuals with varying
relationships to the ratee. Usually: supervisors, peers and subordinates, self-ratings.
- The socioanalytic approach (Hogan, 1991; Hogan & Holland, 2003) to job performance and
personality represents one theoret- ical perspective on why managerial performance ratings
from different sources (i.e., members of different organizational levels, such as supervisors
vs. peers vs. subordinates) may each provide unique performance information.
- The FFM of personality comprises the five broad personality traits: Openness to Experience,
Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Emotional Stability.
- Implications of the socioanalytic perspective:
o FFM traits may differ in the degree to which they are predictive of getting ahead
versus getting along performance behaviors
o Second, raters from different organizational levels (e.g., supervisors vs. peers vs.
subordinates) will likely have different expectations of and agendas associated with
managers; this would make raters from different organizational levels more likely to
encounter and attend to different managerial behaviors when they make their
,Personality and managerial performance (OH & Berry, 2009)
- We postulated that the use of 360 degree ratings would allow more comprehensive coverage
of the job performance domain than would the use of supervisor ratings alone
- we found that the operational (true) validity of personality in- creased substantially across all
of the FFM personality traits when 360 degree ratings were used as criteria, as opposed to
when supervisor ratings were used as criteria.
, Concept of managerial skills (Hoffman et al., 2012)
- Interactive skills
- Initiating skills
- Pressuring skills