Statistics 3 Clinical Track (P_BSTAT3KL)

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

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final assignment statistics 3
  • final assignment statistics 3

  • Case uitwerking • 7 pagina's • 2022
  • Statistical analysis: two way ANOVA Wellbeing of researchers: Investigating if the experienced stress level at work is effected by gender and genetic predisposition to burnout. During this study, we will look at the gender and genetic risk for burnout of the researcher and if it is related to the level of stress during work. Specifically, we hypothesize that females will have a higher rate of genetic risk to burnout. In addition, we expect females with a genetic predisposition to score highe...
  • Jwhdbcjwhecbuce
  • €6,49
  • + meer info
Statistics 3 Clinical Track - English - Year 3, Period 4 - Psychology VU Amsterdam
  • Statistics 3 Clinical Track - English - Year 3, Period 4 - Psychology VU Amsterdam

  • Samenvatting • 59 pagina's • 2022
  • This is an English summary of the information for statistics 3 for the clinical track (statistiek 3 voor de klinische leerlijn). Statistics 2 is also repeated. The summary explains each test one by one in a logical order. I also included extra explanations on topics I thought were a bit vague in the lectures (e.g. contrasts). Please do realize I am a student myself & not a master in statistics, so do check everything with your own understanding and resources.
  • FabienneDenberg
  • €8,99
  • 18x verkocht
  • + meer info