Hoorcolleges Arbeids- en Organisatie Psychologie
Lecture 1: introduction and chapter 1............................................................................................................ 2
Lecture 2: Chapter 2 methods and statistics................................................................................................... 5
Lecture 3: individual differences and assessment...........................................................................................7
Lecture 4: staffing decisions......................................................................................................................... 10
Guest lecture 1: Assessment centers............................................................................................................ 15
Lecture 5: Basic concepts in performance measurement...............................................................................20
Lecture 6: Job Analysis and Performance...................................................................................................... 24
Lecture 7: Training and development........................................................................................................... 27
Guest lecture 2: Training and development..................................................................................................29
Lecture 8: The motivation to work 1............................................................................................................. 29
Lecture 9: The motivation to work 2............................................................................................................. 31
Lecture 10: Attitudes, Emotions and Work 1.................................................................................................34
Lecture 11: Attitudes, Emotions and Work 2.................................................................................................38
Lecture 12: Stress & Worker well-being........................................................................................................ 41
Lecture 13: Stress and burnout articles......................................................................................................... 45
Guest lecture 3: Blessed by Burn-out............................................................................................................ 46
Lecture 14: Fairness, Justice, and Diversity in the Workplace 1.....................................................................48
Lecture 15: Fairness, Justice, and Diversity in the Workplace 2.....................................................................50
Lecture 16: Leadership in Organizations....................................................................................................... 51
Lecture 17: Inspiration session: Power and leadership..................................................................................54
Lecture 18: Teams in Organizations.............................................................................................................. 56
Lecture 19: Inspiration session Multi-team membership...............................................................................58
,Lecture 1: introduction and chapter 1
Behavioral change in a situation of work, works with a carrot and a stick (punishment and
This worked 200 years ago.
Lots of things have changed, work is more complex (cooperating, coaching), so we
have to change our methods in order to make people function optimal.
Organizational psychologists use psychological principles and research methods to solve
problems in the workplace.
Employee/people in relation to their work.
1876-1930: Munsterberg was one of the first people who want to study people who
are at work.
Cattell: the first organizational psychologists were the people that thought about
how to distinguish between a group of people and see when I can predict whether
they are good at their job. Cattell made a test about this.
1914-1918: In the first world war having the right person at the right place, was a
matter of life and death. The first world war had been given a boost to the idea of
having the right person at the right place. It was also the beginning of testing
Hawthorne effect (1930): A change in behavior due or attitudes that was the simple
result of increased attention.
How is the influence of light on productivity? People become more productive when
you switch the light, but, if you change it back again, production stays at the same
high level.
The light did not have effect, but the fact that researchers were in contact with their
employees, made them more productive.
The measurement is an intervention in itself.
It was the moment that we found out people had certain needs. The Hawthorne
effect taught us that we are human beings who wants to be seen.
It was the beginning of the human relations movement.
Theories of motivation
Emotional world of the worker
Studies of job satisfaction
,Corona is the biggest experiment in the human psychology
Everyone was suddenly sitting at home. It was the beginning of a big experiment.
What is the impact of working from home on human beings?
It saves time, space and energy, mixed results on performance, mixed results on
wellbeing and individual differences
Elephants: a herd of elephants were alone for a week. Small elephants will be dead
(we need each other). We humans also live in groups in order to stay alive. If you
take people from the group, the most who suffer is the weakest link.
The most motivating thing is making progress. The most people will say
acknowledgement for good work, but this is not the most motivating thing.
Challenging yourself is very important (survival of the fittest, growing/changing).
Employee fundamental needs (Deci & Ryan, 2002):
constitution of organizational
These are the three thing you
also see in herds of elephants
This is what people missed in
the lockdown
Results working from home:
Productivity has gone up for some, down for others
Physical health become better some, worse for others
Engagement has gone up for some, down for others
, Introverts and extroverts miss other people during lockdown
The solution of most companies to these differences is flexibility. This is wrong,
because you learn from others. Companies assume that it is an individual issue, but
we need each other.
One group wants be related to the other, the other not
The psychology of working from home
Human are group animals. Employees need progress, autonomy and relatedness
WFH has had different impact on the above for different groups
Organizations adopt an individual approach to WFH to cater for the needs of
different groups.
But an individual solution does not work for a collective problem.
Alike a herd, an organization should be built around the weakest.
So, the need for growth and relatedness of those in need, should come first.
The quality of the connection matters the most.
Culture: system in which individuals share meaning &
common ways of viewing events & objects.
You can say that culture is the software of the
mind. The hardware is the same, the software is
Cultural differences become important in
organizational psychology.
The dynamic of top-down-bottom-up processes
across levels of culture: see picture.
National culture
Geert Hofstede was comparing answers to questions on different part of the globe.
If you are French would say: if there is a problem, the boss should solve it. If you are
Dutch: if there is a problem, you have to be honest to eachother instead of going to
the boss. Bases on your cultural background, you have a different way of solving
Hofstede made a list of dimensions in culture