Marketing Communication Part D
Week 12
Buzeta et al. (2020)
1 COBRAs: consumer online brand-related activities with ultimate goal of driving sales.
1.1 Consuming (low-engagement consumption level)
1.1.1 Users are passively exposed to brand-related content that shared by other
consumers or the brand without further participation or interaction.
1.1.2 E.g. viewing brand-related advertising videos, reading product reviews (reading,
watching, listening).
1.1.3 “Top-of-the-funnel” objective: benefit brand awareness and fan acquisition.
1.2 Contributing (moderate-engagement consumption level)
1.2.1 Consumers respond to branded stimuli by their peers or the brand.
1.2.2 E.g. rating products or brands, engaging in branded conversations (liking,
commenting, sharing).
1.3 Creating (high-engagement consumption level)
1.3.1 Including content that is (co-)created by consumers, and that may stimulate
further consumption and contribution by other peers.
1.3.2 E.g. writing brand-related articles, uploading brand-related videos, audios,
pictures, or images (making and publishing).
1.3.3 Contribution + Creation --- encourage consumers to be more active.
2 Uses and Gratifications of Social Media
2.1 User-generated Content (UGC): content produced and uploaded by consumers rather
than producers. Much UGC is brand-related and has the potential to shape consumer
brand perceptions. For instance, hashtags on Instagram can stimulate and encourage
more shares on social media related to brand.
2.2 U&G Theory: people actively seek out particular media and content for specific uses
and to achieve particular gratifications or results.
, 2.3 Five categories of needs satisfied by mass media: cognitive, affective, personal
integrative, social integrative, tension release
3 Six motivations for social media use
3.1 Entertainment: The emotional relief generated by temporarily recreating or recessing
from daily routines.
3.2 Integration and Social Interaction: The users' feeling of connection (to an online
community, for instance) that enables them to increase their knowledge about other
people's circumstances and augment individuals' socializing capabilities.
3.3 Personal Identity: The need for shaping one's identity by providing an image of one's
personality and by receiving peer recognition.
3.4 Information: Individuals' understanding of relevant events and conditions in the
world around.
3.5 Remuneration: Users' intention to obtain some future benefit or external reward that
basically stands apart from the behaviour. E.g. Obtaining economic incentives, job
related benefits, personal wants.
3.6 Empowerment: Individuals' purpose of exerting their influence or power on others'
perceptions (e.g., consumers, companies, brands), by voicing their opinions and by
demanding improvements in products, services, and corporate policies. E.g. attempts
to influence institutions, companies, or other social media users.
4 Four types of social media platforms
4.1 Relationship: profile-based + customised messages (Facebook)
4.2 Self-media: profile-based + broadcast media (Instagram)
4.3 Collaboration: content-based + customised messages (Reddit)
4.4 Creative outlet: content-based + broadcast media (YouTube)