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Samenvatting Alles wat je moet leren voor deeltentamen B van Brein en Omgeving

6 beoordelingen
 32 keer verkocht

Dit is een samenvatting van de colleges en de bijbehorende artikelen. Alles staat op chronologische volgorde. Een deel van de samenvatting is in het engels, omdat de artikelen in het engels waren.

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  • 12 juni 2023
  • 15 juni 2023
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  • Samenvatting
Alle documenten voor dit vak (39)

6  beoordelingen


Door: emmavdschaar • 10 maanden geleden


Door: madeliefmeyers • 9 maanden geleden


Door: annejgloock • 1 jaar geleden


Door: sarah2002 • 1 jaar geleden


Door: blancaedk • 1 jaar geleden


Door: bhuussen • 1 jaar geleden

Brein en omgeving samenvatting deeltentamen 2
Hc 7 Distale factoren: sociaal economische status ..................................................................... 2
Li et al. (2020) – The relationships between screen use and health indicators among infants,
toddlers, and preschoolers: A meta-analysis and systematic review ...................................... 5
Noble & Giebler (2020) – The neuroscience of socioeconomic inequality ........................... 5
Rosen et al. (2019) – The role of the visual association cortex in scaffolding prefrontal
cortex development: a novel mechanism linking socioeconomic status and executive
function................................................................................................................................... 6
Hc 8 Suboptimale ontwikkeling: biologische factoren .............................................................. 9
O’nions et al. (2021) – Preterm birth: Educational and mental health outcomes ................ 10
Van Baar & van Hout (2016) – Intoxicaties bij zwangerschap ............................................ 11
Hc 9 Interactie met de omgeving, de rol van motorische ontwikkeling .................................. 13
Adolph & Franchak (2017) – The development of motor behavior..................................... 15
Köster et al. (2020) – Making sense of the world: Infant learning from a predictive
processing perspective .......................................................................................................... 16
Salo et al. (2018) – The role of the motor system in action understanding and
communication: Evidence from human infants and non-human primates ........................... 17
Hc 10 Suboptimale ontwikkeling: Autisme spectrum stoornis ................................................ 19
Johnson (2017) – Autism as an adaptive common variant pathway for human brain
development ......................................................................................................................... 24
Saffin & Tohid (2020) – Walk like me, talk like me. The connection between mirror
neurons and autism spectrum disorder ................................................................................. 26
Hc 11 Formele voorzieningen en (informele) opvoedondersteuning ....................................... 28
Abenavoli (2019) – The mechanisms and moderators of “fade-out”: towards understanding
why the skills of early childhood program participants converge over time with the skills of
other children ........................................................................................................................ 30
Blewit et al. (2019) – A systematic review of targeted social and emotional learning
interventions in early childhood education and care settings. .............................................. 32
Savina (2021) – Self-regulation in preschool and early elementary classrooms: why it is
important and how to promote it .......................................................................................... 32
Hc 12 Zelfregulatie en executieve functies .............................................................................. 34
Fiske & Holmboe (2019) – Neural substrates of early executive function development .... 39
Hendry et al. (2016) – Executive function in the first three years of life: precursors,
predictors and patterns ......................................................................................................... 41
Jones et al. (2015) - Early social-emotional functioning and public health: The relationship
between kindergarten social competence and future wellness ............................................. 43

,Hc 7 Distale factoren: sociaal economische status
SES (social economische status) zegt iets over de resources die je tot je beschikking hebt.
Multidimensionaal construct:
- Individueel niveau: opleiding, beroep en inkomen
- Buurt SES: veiligheid, criminaliteit, type behuizing, aanwezigheid groen, biebs etc.
- Subjectieve sociale status = waar plaatst iemand zichzelf
Mate waarin individuen beter of slechter toegang hebben tot materiële en sociale bronnen,
zoals voeding, huisvesting, veiligheid van de buurt, kwaliteit van de fysische omgeving,
inkomen en opleidingsniveau.
Kinderen en adolescenten uit lage SES gezinnen hebben 2 tot 3x vaker psychosociale
problemen, zoals externaliserende problemen, depressie, problemen met drugsgebruik en
Bij SES is er sprake van intergenerationele overdracht. Je komt in dezelfde situatie als je

Vroege kindertijd
De eerste levensjaren hebben sensitieve periode voor de hersenontwikkeling waarin de
hersenen ook de grootste veranderingen doormaken, maar ook het meest plastisch zijn dus
meest ontvankelijk voor ervaringen
Ontwikkeling van fijne en grove motoriek, receptieve en expressieve taal, zelfregulatie en
executieve functies.

SES → hersenstructuur en -ontwikkeling → gedrag, leren en ontwikkeling

Mechanismen die een rol spelen:
- Stress
- Cognitieve en talige stimulering

SES en hersenontwikkeling van foetus
- Hoger opleidingsniveau → meer witte stof, minder grijze stof, kleiner volume
occipitaal kwab
- Hoger beroep → meer witte stof, groter cerebellum, en grotere hersenstam
- Hoger SES (combi opleiding en beroep) → groter volume 3 van de 4 kwabben
(frontaalkwab, pariëtale kwab, temporale kwab)

SES, hersenontwikkeling en cognitieve prestaties
- Minder sterk gespecialiseerde linker hemisfeer voor taalverwerking
- Minder efficiënt georganiseerde functionele netwerken (= communicatie tussen
- Minder hersenactiviteit in hersengebieden die belangrijk zijn voor de ruimtelijke
waarneming en rekenvaardigheden
Bij oudere kinderen, adolescenten en
volwassenen hangt SES vooral samen met
taal, executieve functies en geheugen.

,Positieve relaties SES en grijze stof (hersengebieden die gerelateerd zijn aan de ontwikkeling
van taal, aandacht, executieve functies, emotieregulatie, en geheugen)
Positieve relaties SES en witte stof (hersengebieden die gerelateerd zijn aan de ontwikkeling
van taal, executieve functies, en lezen).

Hersenactiviteit in rust: positieve relaties tussen SES en functionele netwerken
Taak-gerelateerde hersenactiviteit: gezin SES en buurt SES gelinkt aan hersengebieden
geassocieerd met taal en executieve functies; inkomen en zelf gepercipieerde status gelinkt
aan emotionele reacties
SES verklaarde 60% meer variantie in schoolvaardigheden dan genetische factoren
Mediatoren: cognitieve en taalstimulering en stress in het gezin.

Model van Tooley:

Lage SES als experience-dependent context:
- Gebrek aan duidelijke structuur, routines en regels. De omgeving is voor kinderen uit
laag SES gezinnen meer chaotisch, gedesorganiseerd en weinig stabiel → slechtere
ontwikkeling van de executieve functies
- Gebrek aan stabiele en responsieve ouder/verzorger die in overlevingsmodus is
- Hoge mate van (chronische) stress in gezin
- Chronische stress versnelt rijping van hersenen en lichaam → minder neuroplasticiteit:
3 mechanismen
1. Vaker beroep doen op stress systeem zorgt voor snellere rijping van dit systeem
2. Stress vergroot cortisol niveaus en allostatische lading
3. Omgeving vraagt om volwassenheid → aanpassen aan omgeving
- Blootstelling aan veel stressoren heeft een negatief effect of het functioneren, maar
ook de ontwikkeling van de PFC en daarmee op de executieve functies.


Rol van de visuele associatie cortex in de omgeving van de PFC
- Cognitieve stimulering: de sociale omgeving die leeftijdsadequaat speelmateriaal
aanbiedt, rijke gevarieerde ervaringen, complexe taal, en de aanwezigheid van een
opvoeder die met het kind interacteert waarbij strategieën worden toegepast die het
leren bevordert (= scaffolding)
- Mechanisme: via cognitieve stimulering wordt de communicatie tussen de sensorische
hersengebieden (met name de visuele gebieden) en de PFC bevorder → legt een basis
voor meer complexe informatieverwerking die nodig is voor executief functioneren
- Opvoeders helpen de kinderen om hun aandacht te richten en reguleren, bijvoorbeeld
door child-directed speech en joint attention
- Leidt tot meer activiteit in PFC → betere executieve functies

Cognitieve stimulering varieert tussen gezinnen van verschillende SES achtergronden: Hogere
SES gezinnen → meer cognitieve stimulering (ook rijkere materiële omgeving) → betere
executieve vaardigheden

Effecten van beeldschermgebruik door jonge kinderen: bewijs voor positieve effecten op de
cognitieve, sociale en emotionele ontwikkeling is onduidelijk
Mogelijk positieve effecten:
- Afname aandachtproblemen
- Toename letterkennis
- Trainen van leervaardigheden
Negatieve effecten:
- Meer overgewicht en minder gezond eetgedrag
- Meer slaapproblemen
- Meer gedrags- en emotionele problemen
- Groter risico op spierpijn
- Groter risico op pesten in latere jaren
- Slechtere executieve functies en motorische ontwikkeling
- Minder fysieke activiteiten en meer zitten
- Ook meer bijziendheid

Relatie beeldschermgebruik, taal en ontwikkeling van witte stof
Hoe langer het beeldschermgebruik, hoe slechter de witte stof integriteit → Lagere scores op
taal, ontluikend lezen en executieve functies.

,Li et al. (2020) – The relationships between screen use and health indicators
among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers: A meta-analysis and systematic
This study aimed to review the relationships between screen media use and several health
indicators in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Strong evidence of the meta-analysis
suggested that excessive screen time was associated with overweight/obesity and shorter sleep
duration among toddlers and preschoolers. Excessive screen use was associated with various
health indicators in physical, behavioral, and psychosocial aspects.

Physical health indicators
Children with excessive screen media use were related to an increased risk of
overweight/obesity and abdominal adiposity, increased body mass index (BMI), sum of
skinfold, and waist circumference. They will have up to twice the risk of obesity. Children
having more screen time were associated with worse executive function development, worse
motor development, and increased musculoskeletal risk.

Behavioral health indicators
The higher the screen time, the more sleep problems. Children with excessive screen media
use would have more than twice the risk of shorter sleep duration. Children exposed to
excessive screen time were more likely to develop unhealthy dietary behavior, and have more
sedentary activities, and insufficient physical activity.

Psychosocial health indicators
Children who had more screen time would have a higher likelihood of being aggressive. It
was also related to social-emotional delay, hyperactivity-inattention, emotional symptoms,
prosocial behavior, peer problems, and conduct problems. They would also have a higher
likelihood of bullying in kindergarten and school.

Noble & Giebler (2020) – The neuroscience of socioeconomic inequality
Numerous studies have correlated socioeconomic inequality with brain structure, both in
terms of cortical and subcortical gray matter, as well as white matter.

SES and brain structure
SES and cortical gray matter: research has linked SES to cortical surface area, cortical
thickness, and gray matter volume, most notably in frontal and temporal regions, which
support the development of language, attention, executive function, emotion regulation, and
SES and subcortical gray matter: numerous studies have reported links between family
socioeconomic characteristics and children’s hippocampal volume, a structure which is
critical for learning and memory.
SES and white matter: socioeconomic disparities have also been reported in white matter
microstructure, particularly in tracts that support executive functions, language, and reading.

SES and brain function
SES and resting brain function: higher SES is associated with greater high-frequency EEF
power, which in turn is associated with subsequent language development.

,SES and task-based function: socioeconomic disparities in language development are well
described, and several studies have begun exploring whether socioeconomic disparities may
be observed in the neural processing of language.

Differences in experience are likely at least partially responsible for socioeconomic disparities
in brain and behavior. Exposure to chronic stress has cascading effects on multiple brain and
body systems, and has also been considered a likely mechanism linking socioeconomic
disadvantage to neurodevelopmental differences.

Rosen et al. (2019) – The role of the visual association cortex in scaffolding
prefrontal cortex development: a novel mechanism linking socioeconomic
status and executive function
Socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with executive function (EF) and prefrontal cortex
Determining how early environmental experiences shape EF development is critical to
identifying educational, community, and family-based strategies to nurture and support the
development of these skills and promote healthy outcomes across the life span.

Environmental influences on EF and PFC development
Environmental experience shapes developmental processes through experience-expectant and
experience-dependent processes.
Experience-expectant = the neural circuits that process sensory information are sculpted by
specific environmental inputs during sensitive periods early in development
Experience-dependent plasticity reflects emergent connections between neuronal populations
in a way that reflects each person’s unique environmental experiences.
Given the established link between variability in PFC-dependent EF development with
caregiving and childhood SES, identifying specific types of experiences that are required for
adaptive EF and PFC development is a goal of many research studies.

The link between SES and EF is almost certainly multifactorial, involving a variety of
mechanisms operating at multiple levels of influence.

Caregivers guide attention and early learning through child-directed speech and other forms
of social interaction that provide children the opportunity to regulate attention as well as train
the PFC to resolve conflict between stimuli with overlapping features beginning very early in
development. Cognitive control develops, in part, through the need to regulate attention to and
resolve conflict between such stimuli. Finally, we propose that this early regulation of
attention lays the groundwork for the more complex computations necessary for EF that the
PFC performs as the child develops.

Attention regulation pathway: unlike sensory systems, the PFC does not receive input directly
from the external environment, but rather integrates information from other brain regions,
including sensory areas.
We propose that in environments with limited caregiver interactions, children are given less
external guidance to regulate attention and have less experiences involving competition
between sensory inputs for attention that must be resolved. This may result in limited
organized feed-forward information from the ventral visual stream to the PFC. Over
development, this may result in lasting differences in PFC functioning and EF abilities.

,Linguistic pathway: through child-directed speech, caregivers help children not only to guide
their attention to relevant information in the environment, but also to associate these
perceptually similar visual inputs with semantic tags. As children learn language, which
facilitates object recognition and semantic knowledge, the PFC is continually engaged in the
resolution of these types of conflict and is performing the types of computations that will later
be necessary for engagement in more complex forms of competition resolution that are
typically considered in the domain of EF.

Conceptual framework of the developmental mechanisms linking SES with EF:
1. SES is associated with cognitive stimulation → SES is associated with differences in
cognitive stimulation and environmental complexity including access to learning
materials, parental involvement in learning, and even visual complexity of the home.
2. Cognitive stimulation is associated with EF and PFC development → exposure to
enriching activities and environmental complexity are associated with child EF,
including working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility. The linguistic
environment is clearly important for supporting child language ability and brain
systems that support language function, including the PFC. The degree of cognitive
stimulation in the early environment, shaped largely through children’s interactions
with caregivers, are meaningfully associated with EF as well as development of the
3. SES influences development of the ventral visual stream – potentially more so than the
dorsal visual stream – and SES-related differences in cognitive stimulation may
explain these differences in ventral visual stream development → specifically, lower
income, parental education, and qualifying for free or reduced lunch are all associated
with decreased cortical thickness in the ventral visual stream. The only regions that
show an association between early cognitive stimulation and cortical thickness are the
PFC and the ventral visual stream. Variation in environmental experience is associated
with development of the ventral visual stream and associated functions. Findings raise
the possibility that cognitive stimulation may influence development of both the
ventral and dorsal streams which may in turn impact the development of PFC and
associated EFs.
4. Development of the ventral visual stream scaffolds PFC development and EF → no
direct evidence exists to demonstrate that development of the ventral visual stream
early in childhood scaffolds the development of the PFC and EF. Findings suggest that
ventral visual stream development may play an important role in supporting EF
performance and memory across development. It has been proposed that the earlier
development of more posterior regions including the ventral and dorsal visual streams
helps support development of the PFC by feeding the PFC information about the
5. These associations exist across the entire SES distribution → variation in cognitive
stimulation, language experiences, and the frequency and quality of caregiver
interactions are reasonable candidate mechanisms explaining why SES-related
differences in EF and PFC structure and function exist along the entire distribution.

Conclusion: cognitive stimulation – which encompasses access to a complex environment
with developmentally appropriate learning materials, a rich variety of experiences, a complex
linguistic environment, and the presence of a caregiver who interacts with the child
consistently and uses strategies that promote learning – is critical in shaping the development
of EF and the PFC and explains disparities in EF among children raised in lower-SES
households. Cognitive stimulation early in development helps to shape PFC development by

, providing opportunities to regulate attention and resolve conflict between competing visual
inputs, including through input from the ventral visual pathway, which may in turn produce
enhance representation of visual stimuli. Language exposure supports the development of EF
by supporting object disambiguation and semantic knowledge. These pathways are a plausible
mechanism linking early environmental experiences to the development of EF and the PFC.
Differences in experiences beginning early in development may produce lasting differences in
development of visual association cortex which in turn impacts development of PFC circuitry
and EF.

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