Adolescent Development
Universiteit Utrecht (UU)
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College aantekeningen Adolescent Development (200500046)
- College aantekeningen • 15 pagina's • 2025
- €6,49
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Aantekeningen van de lectures van Adolescent Development voor exam 2, inclusief verschillende figuren uit de presentatie. Dit document bevat aantekeningen van: Lecture 7: Family relationships and adolescent autonomy Lecture 8: Peer relationships Lecture 9: Love and sexuality Lecture 10: Adolescents in school Lecture 11: Media use

Summary readings for exam 2 Adolescent Development
- Samenvatting • 44 pagina's • 2024
- €7,48
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Chapter 4, chapter 9: 236 - 243, chapter 5, chapter 10, chapter 11, chapter 6, chapter 12, chapter 7 is summarized from the book. The following articles are also summerized, Article: Microaggressions and depressive symptoms in sexual minority youth - Kaufman, Baams & Dubas (2017), Article: Microaggressions and depressive symptoms in sexual minority youth - Kaufman, Baams & Dubas (2017), Article: Social media and self-esteem - Cingel et al. (2022)

Summary book and articles for exam 1 Adolescent Development
- Samenvatting • 51 pagina's • 2024
- €7,48
- 2x verkocht
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This is a summary of everything you need for the first exam of Adolescent development. First there is a summary of the readings. It contains a summary from the introduction, chapters 1: page 13-33, chapter 3, chapter 2, chapter 9: 244-250, chapter 9: 250-261, chapter 8, chapter 13: 328-375, chapter 13: (375 – 383) from the book adolescence 13th edition. And the following articles are summarized: Emergent Emotions in Adolescence: Coe-Odess et al. (2019), The increasing global health priorit...

College aantekeningen Adolescent Development UU (deeltentamen 2)
- College aantekeningen • 39 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,96
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Dit document bevat alle hoorcolleges voor het 2e deeltentamen van het vak Adolescent Development () aan de UU.
Dit is een bundel die alle hoorcolleges van het vak Adolescent Development bevat.
Lecture notes of all the lectures in combination with the lecture slides, all the required scientific articles and a summary of 'Adolescence'(13th edition) a book of Laurence Steinberg.
Alles wat je moet weten voor deeltentamen 1 van adoelscent development staat hier in! Ik heb zelf aan de hand van deze samenvatting een 8,4 gehaald.

Literature Adolescent Development
- Samenvatting • 116 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €9,56
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A document with a summary of the required reading for Adolescent Development. It contains a full summary of all the chapters in the book of Steinberg and a summary of the articles.

Hoorcollege aantekeningen Exam 2 Adolescent Development
- College aantekeningen • 37 pagina's • 2024
- €6,00
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Aantekeningen van de hoorcolleges Family Relations and Autonomy, Peer relationships, Romantic relation and sexuality, Adolescents in school, en Adolescent media use and media effects
Samenvatting van de literatuur & hoorcolleges voor beide tentamens van adolescent development ;)

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